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Best ZWO camera for an RC6?

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I am really really enjoying my RC6. as I write it is snapping away at M3. It's nice to be using a mirror scope rather than worry about the optical imperfections of refractors! Although as I say that I can see half my subs have imperfect stars tonight - not sure why, there is hardly a breeze. It's a good thing I opted for short 30 second subs tonight, or I wouldn't be gatherinbg any usable data at all.

I'm currently using an uncooled ASI 485 MC for all imaging activities. Later this month I will finally get my hands on an old KAF8300 CCD, but that mono chip will be for Windows-based spectroscopy/photometry only, as of course it is absolutely incompatible with my beloved ASIAIR. So I am looking for the ideal next cooled ZWO camera for my setup. I am looking at the 071MC and 294MC as being at the upper limit of what I would spend, but I am a bit confused as to the difference between these two, why the 071 is so inexpensive given it's large chip size, or which pixel size is right for my scope, which would operate between f6.5 and f9 (focal length 960 to 1370 mm).

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Looks like my stars are rounder now I have gone through a meridian flip. Whereve the vibrations were coming from, it seems they are not picked up so much in the new orientation.

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The 533 doesn't add much over the 485 in terms of chip size - a lot more height but no more width. A flattener is fine, but finding one with a 28 mm image circle is an issue.

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10 hours ago, fireballxl5 said:

The ASI071 needs a flattener from my experience using a RC6. I now use a 533 with no such issues,  other than the usual collimation hurdles🤪

Do you bin your 533? I'm currently using a SX 694 binned 2x2 with my RC6. Gives a resolution of 1.4 arcsec/pixel and reduces the impact of the f9 focal length. One day I'll need a replacement.

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I would have thought binning post imaging will achieve similar to using a camera with larger pixels.

I'd err caution with the 294MC due to some models causing a random red/green swirl pattern across the images due to the sensor glass, a lot of people don't stretch their images enough to see the issue, a histogram stretch preview shows it up straight away in my experience.

The 533 is a decent camera though you suffer a similar issue to the 485, the 485 is 16:9 aspect ratio so you feel you miss out on the height, the 533 is 1:1 square so you feel like you miss out on the width, even though a square is technically the right shape to maximise area within an imaging circle in the absence of circular imaging sensors.

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Get a 533MM to take your imagining to another level.  The RC6 is an great scope but it's a bit slow and if you're going to collect faint objects or narrowband it really pays to get all the sensitivity you can.

Yes it's a small sensor but you can pick up a set of cheap filters for it since you only need 1.25". 

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I understand mono cameras are more sensitive, but really didn’t like the fuss involved when I had a 178MM.

I do wonder if the 183MC might be a better option than the 533MC. It’s got the same diagonal length, but a bit more width for a little less height.

or maybe I just carry on with the 485, it’s doing nothing wrong really. Rather than chasing equipment upgrades, I should just upgrade my skills!

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183s are my workhorses, they have the resolution to bin whilst keeping a decent resolution after the rescale.

Mono isn't too bad, at least if you image SHO you'll be able to use it more often.

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I have hovered over a 183MC for long time now. The 071MC is not much more money for a lot more sensor though... I wonder what's the catch?

On the subject of the 183, what is the sensor like? Does it have significant amp glow?

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19 minutes ago, Ags said:

amp glow

It does amp glow in a starburst pattern from the RHS of the sensor but your darks will calibrate it out, never had a problem with it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm slowly cogitating upon this weighty matter. I think the 183MM might be the camera for me. I need a mono camera with small pixels for white light solar, as well as a larger mono sensor for Ha solar and the Moon. For DSOs I need the small pixels for my refractors and binned 2x should be ideal for the the RC.

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On 17/05/2024 at 20:59, Ags said:

I'm slowly cogitating upon this weighty matter. I think the 183MM might be the camera for me. I need a mono camera with small pixels for white light solar, as well as a larger mono sensor for Ha solar and the Moon. For DSOs I need the small pixels for my refractors and binned 2x should be ideal for the the RC.

Probably not a bad idea. But got to say a 533mm is a better choice. 


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  • 3 weeks later...

@Adam J I think you are right…

I don’t think I need to go bigger than the 533. I plugged my scope into astronomy.tools FOV calculator and went through all the Messier objects. With an only about 6 exceptions, they all fit nicely into the 533 FOV with maybe too much room to spare. I’d be more likely to be doing crops than panos. In fact I might invest in the 0.75 RC reducer - it has a 15 mm image circle so it’s perfect for the 533, and less reduction would be a bonus I think.

I am thinking about next steps for my setup. It seems the RC6 is all the scope I need, but I do have an idea for a dual image rig involving adding an Evoguide 50, so there would be three scope options on the mount - RC6, EVO 50 and FMA135. The Air can only control one camera unfortunately, but I have an unused RPI that could handle capture on the second scope. If the Pi can run a FLI 8300 (I have one in the UK waiting for my grandson to visit here) then I would have some pretty cool options. Or I could pick up an old 178MM Cool.

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The issue with the 183 and long FL is it takes a lot to stimulate the pixels as they're so small, a larger pixel camera will help. But you can always bin. The 183 works well for solar too. I ultimately got rid of my 533mc because the aspect ratio didn't fit in with the 183 so I was cropping more than I liked when combining the data. If you don't need to do this then it does work well.

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