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From an FS128 to an SD115S..

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2 hours ago, John said:

This may well have been posted here before but it might be new to some. The sub-titles are in Japanese but most of the movie is self explanatory I think. The glass making segment early on seems to have been filmed in an Ohara optical works. The scope and mount manufacture at Vixen.


Fascinating video John. It all seems rather low tech, with dust flying around and blokes smashing the glass with wooden sticks! The end results are clearly not in question though. I love the bit where the lens is carefully polished prior to placing it its cell. I notice the guy spray painting the tubes isn’t wearing a mask. 😲

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Hi all,

Well, due to the Monsoon like weather,  I've been fiddling out in "The Barn", having fitted Superfox with a solid sliding mounting bar bought from Tim, which enables the scope to be slid easily fore and aft for rebalancing, but which has a "nut or stud" at each end of the left hand side, to prevent the scope from sliding out of or off the plate..

I've also now got the OTA perfectly balanced in RA & DEC on the Tak EM2s mount..amazingly, the scope will balance at the same point with Binoviewers AND 2" diagonal with 23mm decloaked Axiom LX!

I've got my RACI finder installed too, but not aligned yet..

A few pics and close ups of the rings, plate and MoreBlue microfocuser...

I just want First Light!!!😝😂









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So jealous! I'd love one of these. I already have the SD81SII which I adore, but I also have the flattener/reducer which would work with both of its bigger siblings. I've also got an R200SS so logically it would make no sense whatsoever for imaging, but when did logic ever come in to gear?

I noticed the Italian one, but am put off by the import duty and VAT which would be added on, making it almost as cheap to import a brand new one from Japan. 

I hope you're very happy together. 


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4 hours ago, osbourne one-nil said:

So jealous! I'd love one of these. I already have the SD81SII which I adore, but I also have the flattener/reducer which would work with both of its bigger siblings. I've also got an R200SS so logically it would make no sense whatsoever for imaging, but when did logic ever come in to gear?

I noticed the Italian one, but am put off by the import duty and VAT which would be added on, making it almost as cheap to import a brand new one from Japan. 

I hope you're very happy together. 


Thanks 😊.

I seem to recall you had an ED103s (or SD?) in the past? I had two of those and they both impressed me deeply..to the point that when I seriously considered a modest downsizing from my 5" Tak, I had no hesitation in pursuing this lovely 4.5" Vixen apo👍..

PS. Heads up..


A cracking good deal on a cracking good Japanese top quality refractor!!


Edited by F15Rules
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I did - good 

2 hours ago, F15Rules said:

I seem to recall you had an ED103s (or SD?) in the past? 

I did - good memory! The tax man came calling though and off it went. 

I've just been collimating my R200SS for a potential clear night and I might have threaded a hole in the lens cell. It must be a sign!

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Well, a week to the day after Tim (@Franklin) delivered my new Vixen SD115S, I managed to get about 45 minutes outside, under clear skies, before the clouds rolled in again..

I went straight to M42 in Orion as I'm very familiar with it and have clear memories of how it looked in my recently departed Tak FS128.

I used a proven good quality 2"Astro Tech dielectric mirror diagonal  first, then a short comparison of the Astro Tech with my Baader Zeiss BBHS prism before the clouds rolled in.

Eyepieces used were Vixen LVWs at 42mm, 23mm, 17mm,13mm, 8mm and 5mm, Pentax XL zoom 8-24mm, and Axiom 23mm decloaked 2" UWA.

I'm pleased to report that the views through the Vixen were remarkably similar to those put up by the FS128!  The quoted faintest magnitude star visible in the Vixen 115mm is magnitude 12.1, and in the FS128 it's mag 12.3, so not a huge difference. 

I could see the E &  F stars in the Trapezium with direct vision at a medium power of c.111x (LVW 8mm and Pentax Zoom at 8mm setting). I could also see both of the fainter stars to the "right" (refractor view with diagonal, with East and West reversed), much the same as with the Tak.

I would say that the Tak was very slightly brighter if anything, but not much in it at all.

I did feel that the Baader Zeiss BBHS prism was slightly superior to the Mirror Diagonal, but it is early days yet to be more detailed about any visual performance differences.

What is definitely the case, and very pleasing, is that the total weight of the setup is very noticeably less than with the Tak, something I was keen to achieve by changing to the Vixen. In addition, the Vixen, being lighter, shorter and slimmer than the Tak, is a good deal more stable on the mount and tripod, with very minor vibrations damping down in under 1 second.

Much more to report back on after more use, but after this quick first look, I am delighted with this lovely scope!👍





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What more could you wish for Dave? It is more stable, lighter, and, like Trinity, at the top of the Premier league.

It certainly looks superb on your tripod.

Maybe I should trade in Foxy for one of those...🙂

Edited by Saganite
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Hi Steve,

Much appreciated, thanks😊.

I was sure the scope wouldn't disappoint, but you know how it is, you just want to USE a new instrument, and the past week of rain and cloud was very frustrating, so to get a somewhat unexpected break in the clouds last night was a joy.

I should mention that the seeing wasnt great, although transparency was good, so I didnt bother trying Sirius and the Pup..I just wanted to check out the scope's objective in general terms. 

I was also pleased with the LVW eyepieces..Ive always liked their form factor..solid, well built, nice coatings etc. I've read a few reports that their light transmission isn't the best? All I can say after last night's quick look is that they are all parfocal (except for the 42mm which does have a different focus sweet spot), and I could see faint stars with the LVWs as much as I could with my excellent Axiom and Pentax eyepieces..so I'm happy!

I had a quick look between clouds at the double cluster at low power, and Oh, My!! Just a sea of scintillating stars in a black background..roll on the next clear night!👍😂


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On 04/02/2024 at 20:46, F15Rules said:

Well... please bear with me, as the story that follows is true, and illustrates just how,  sometimes, a small event can lead to something very unexpected!

..after a somewhat stressed, hectic and overall exhilarating past week, the deals are done. Trinity, the Tak FS128 has now gone to her new keeper, someone who owned one 20 years ago and has regretted it ever since ( no, not @MikeDnight!😂..), and Superfox, formerly Tim's (@Franklin) wonderful Vixen SD115S, has today come to Lincolnshire..🤩

I had been contemplating the unthinkable (ie selling the FS128) for around 6 months, due to a combination of truly awful autumn and winter weather, slow but definite deterioration of eyesight, lack of "Mojo", and physical bulk of the FS128 setup. 

I've mentioned more on this in the recent thread about the sale of the Tak, but suffice to say, I had by Christmas more or less decided to downsize a bit, it was just a question of when.. I just needed that "nudge" to get on and do it. 

As far back as last March, when Tim (@Franklin) revealed his lovely new Vixen SD115S, I had decided that for me, I could only move from a Tak to another Tak..or to a big Vixen.. I've owned 2 fabulous 4" ED103S's, one of which, Foxy, is now lovingly owned by my good friend Steve (@Saganite).

The decision as to which way to go wasn't too difficult, as Takahashi only do the TSA 120 which is too expensive new, and quite heavy, and a Triplet (I've always been wary of Triplets, probably unnecessarily so) due to the 3 elements, possible expensive misalignments, etc..and not much if any of a weight saving versus the FS128.

The 100mm Tak doublets are optically superb, but I didn't want to drop down from a full 5" apo to a skinny 4 incher, (NO offence to owners, I just like a somewhat larger tube such as the oversized, but quite lightweight tubes the older Vixens and FS Taks had).

Takahashi make lovely 4" scopes but I've always loved Vixens, right back to the 1970s/80s when I drooled over their legendary SP102 F10 achromats on equally legendary GP mounts - good quality astro gear for the masses!

The problem was, the SD115S (the largest Vixen refractor they currently offer), was and is as rare as hen's teeth in the UK, (rarer, it seems than FS128s!) and very expensive new (not far short of £3k)..at which point many buyers would automatically go for a Tak, as much for the resale values as much as the optical quality.

Anyway, whizz forward to last Monday 29th January..Steve messaged me to say that Tim (@Franklin) had put up for sale his Vixen LVW set..still highly rated oculars (rightly so).. so, Steve knew that I'd wanted for some years to get some more LVWs, especially the 22mm, and he wanted a 3.5mm, so he said I should contact Tim asap before someone bought the set!

I pondered for a short while then asked Tim by message if the set was still available, and if so, would he would hold it for me for a few days while I put my FS128 up for sale. Tim very kindly said yes, but that Steve had offered first on the 3.5mm, so he felt he should have first refusal. I was very happy with that, since without Steve's heads up I'd never have even known they were available!

Moving on. On Monday I took the plunge and put the FS128 up for sale on SGL. In the meantime I remembered I'd actually seen an SD115S for sale on UKABS a few weeks back...but in Italy, so I hadnt then pursued it.

I found the advert and opened a message dialogue with the seller to confirm if it was still available.. I must he say is a lovely guy and has a longstanding history of problem free sales to the UK. He confirmed it was/is still for sale, and that he would offer  free shipping to the UK, too.

Anyway, just as I was convincing myself that the Italian SD115S was worth taking the risk of shipping from Italy, I had a message via SGL from Tim..

To my astonishment, Tim said he'd been thinking a lot about his plans for this year, and that, if I was interested, he would offer to sell me his SD115S (11 months old!), and his LVW set (minus the 3.5mm going to Steve).. and he would deliver them all in person to my home !! I was genuinely shocked..and delighted!

I was fortunate enough to have 2 firm offers to buy the FS128, plus another seriously interested party, within c 7 or 8 hours of advertising, so I was able to properly accept Tim's offer..

I also contacted the Italian seller in fairness to him..he was superb, and said that the newer scope, located in the UK, was too good a chance to miss, and he positively encouraged me to proceed!

So, there it is. I have now wound up with, for me, probably the best possible replacement for my Tak that I could have hoped for. And I will always be grateful to Steve for that heads up, and to Tim for selling me such a wonderful bundle of astro kit!

Thanks for staying with my ramblings..here are more photos of Superfox, and I"ll post much more on the scope as I get used to it in the coming weeks...Weather permitting!!😊








I'm delighted it's all worked out well for you Dave.  I've always loved happy endings 🙂.

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5 hours ago, Saganite said:

Maybe I should trade in Foxy for one those.

Sorry Steve, I didnt reply to your above comment...

Far be it for me to advise or tempt you my friend.. but, to me, the SD115S does look, feel and perform more like the FS128 than like Foxy...

Just sayin'...😋🤭


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