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M81/82 Ikarus Observatory data (and some of my own)


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Fed up of snow ❄️, rain ️, cloud ☁️ here so had a bash at the excellent IKO M81 and M82 data set from @FLO. Not done much Ha LRGB processing so this was a good test for me. Fairly happy with it although for some reason the filaments on Cigar Galaxy came out purple/ pink. No idea how I managed that. Grateful that we have free resources like this!

Also, added a widefield shot of the galaxies with Coddington’s nebula that I took with my little Tak FS60 last year. Amazing how much the focal length alters the perception and context of objects!




Edited by Icesheet
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5 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

Magentas arise from too little green. Did you use a green noise remover, perhaps?

Whatever, your results are excellent.


Yes, I used SCNR at some point in the process. I’ll need to remember that in the future 

Thanks! ☺️ 

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