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Jupiter - final images of 2023


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Happy New Year to you all,

I have finally processed my images from early November to mid December and have posted these into my gallery.  I was really hoping for a great apparition this year as Jupiter is new well clear of the houses to my south and in a perfect position to obtain high resolution images but I have been pretty disappointed by the RGB results.  The IR images have provided a fair amount of detail and I am pretty happy with what I have obtained with them but the RGB were not as good as I hoped they would be.  In most of my RGB images the Red channel was good to great, the green were mostly average but the blue channel was very poor for most of the apparition. From my location of South Western UK we have not had a great run of clear nights for months due to poor weather and when it has been clear the atmospherics have been average to say the least.

I use an ASI 290mm camera which is great, especially when the conditions are good but I was wondering whether the use of a One Shot Colour camera would be better during nights of average to poor atmospherics? I know the resolution of a OSC camera would be less than the mono ASI 290mm  but would there be a lot of difference under poorer conditions?  I would appreciate any advice from anyone that has experience of both types of camera.


Anyway, below are a selection of my imaging sessions from Nov through to mid December.


All the best and clear skies to you all in 2024.









Edited by Eris
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These are excellent images Rob.

With regard to your thoughts on mono vs OSC, I too have the 290MM, but haven’t used it at all since autumn 2022. I’ve been very pleased with the results from the ASI462MC and have reached the conclusion that mono RGB is too much of a pain from the UK, though probably would yield slightly better results in excellent conditions (when do we get those though). Just my two-penneth…

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4 hours ago, geoflewis said:

These are excellent images Rob.

With regard to your thoughts on mono vs OSC, I too have the 290MM, but haven’t used it at all since autumn 2022. I’ve been very pleased with the results from the ASI462MC and have reached the conclusion that mono RGB is too much of a pain from the UK, though probably would yield slightly better results in excellent conditions (when do we get those though). Just my two-penneth…

Hi Geof,


Many thanks for your reply.  Yes, RGB in the UK this year has been pretty hard for me.  Although I live in a semi-rural location I have a north facing garden so always have to image over mine and other houses which in the winter is often fun as the older houses still have open fireplaces so I get a lot of heat from random chimneys to my south at times.  Can't moan about people wanting to keep warm (makes me feel terrible cursing about the heat plumes) but I would like to get the most out of the C11 I have.  I see a lot of people have started using the Player One cameras but there is a confusing choice of camera and at the moment I really don't know how they perform against the ASI camera that I am more used to.

Lets hope for dry clear skies to see out the current Jupiter apparition.




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On 03/01/2024 at 18:35, geoflewis said:

These are excellent images Rob.

With regard to your thoughts on mono vs OSC, I too have the 290MM, but haven’t used it at all since autumn 2022. I’ve been very pleased with the results from the ASI462MC and have reached the conclusion that mono RGB is too much of a pain from the UK, though probably would yield slightly better results in excellent conditions (when do we get those though). Just my two-penneth…

Nice photos buddy! But i got a question for geoflewis. Is mono to much of a hassle? Why is this? I gave up color and felt i got much better results with mono. Please elaborate.

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43 minutes ago, Chrb1985 said:

Nice photos buddy! But i got a question for geoflewis. Is mono to much of a hassle? Why is this? I gave up color and felt i got much better results with mono. Please elaborate.

The colour cameras are so good now, that in my opinion the quality benefit of shooting mono is pretty marginal. My ASI462MC is also great for longpass IR and CH4, where it is effectively mono, so what's not to like? UK skies have been so poor in recent years, that the seeing can deteriorate in a matter of just a few minutes. I've lost count of the number of times that I ran a seried of RGB (typically RRRRR-GGGGG-BBBBB), only to find that I'd lost the sky by the time I got to the B, so didn't have enough data for a colur image. I'm using a manual filter wheel so automationg a series of RGB-RGB-RGB is not possible. I agree that mono will win out in excellent seeing, but I rarely seem to get that nowadays. I also like that I can more easily captue a sequence in colour that is easier to animate for rotation, transits, etc. Plus events like the 2022 lunar occultation of Mars, happen so swiftly that the only way to get a colour image is with a colour camera. That occultation was my primary reason for buying the ASI462MC, but I was so impressed with it's performance that my ASI290MM hasn't seen the light of day (well night) since I got the 462.

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On 08/01/2024 at 13:41, geoflewis said:

The colour cameras are so good now, that in my opinion the quality benefit of shooting mono is pretty marginal. My ASI462MC is also great for longpass IR and CH4, where it is effectively mono, so what's not to like? UK skies have been so poor in recent years, that the seeing can deteriorate in a matter of just a few minutes. I've lost count of the number of times that I ran a seried of RGB (typically RRRRR-GGGGG-BBBBB), only to find that I'd lost the sky by the time I got to the B, so didn't have enough data for a colur image. I'm using a manual filter wheel so automationg a series of RGB-RGB-RGB is not possible. I agree that mono will win out in excellent seeing, but I rarely seem to get that nowadays. I also like that I can more easily captue a sequence in colour that is easier to animate for rotation, transits, etc. Plus events like the 2022 lunar occultation of Mars, happen so swiftly that the only way to get a colour image is with a colour camera. That occultation was my primary reason for buying the ASI462MC, but I was so impressed with it's performance that my ASI290MM hasn't seen the light of day (well night) since I got the 462.

Wow okay. Thanks buddy. Im ordering a color camera to night! If im not mistaking you use C14 right? So i guess the camera you got will work for my C11 too right? Or so you got some recommendations for me? Im a sucker for zwo...i have owned zwo asi 120mc, 174mm and im currently the owner of a 290mm and a 174mm mini.

Also one more thing.. did you do RRR-GGG-BBB how long did you capture pr filter? How is that possible? I thought it HAD to be 30-60sec R, G then B. And so start over.. can WinJupos derotated the way you mentioned? Please explain it its no too much of a hassle..

And while in at it, please check out mye lates Jupiter photo. I poster ut yesterday and a update today.

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13 minutes ago, Chrb1985 said:

Wow okay. Thanks buddy. Im ordering a color camera to night! If im not mistaking you use C14 right? So i guess the camera you got will work for my C11 too right? Or so you got some recommendations for me? Im a sucker for zwo...i have owned zwo asi 120mc, 174mm and im currently the owner of a 290mm and a 174mm mini.

Also one more thing.. did you do RRR-GGG-BBB how long did you capture pr filter? How is that possible? I thought it HAD to be 30-60sec R, G then B. And so start over.. can WinJupos derotated the way you mentioned? Please explain it its no too much of a hassle..

And while in at it, please check out mye lates Jupiter photo. I poster ut yesterday and a update today.

Not sure if you can still get the ASI462MC as zwo replaced it with the ASI662MC, but either would work well with your C11. For Jupiter I shoot a series of 1m duration SERs whether colour, or if I'm shooting mono RRR-GGG-BBB. Typically I'll try to capture at least 9x1m for colour, and if I can get 2 or 3 sequences of 9x1m, then I'll create 2 or 3 high res images using derotation in WinJupos, which can then be further combined together into a super hi res image using WinJupos with manual derotation in PS or Affinity Photo, etc.

When I used to shoot mono, I'd typicaly shoot 5 each of RGB, so RRRRR-GGGGG-BBBBB and then use WinJupos derotation using the 'derotation of R/G/B frames' tool to make master R, G and B images before combining those in WinJupos, using the 'derotation of images' tool. I have shot, 5 x R-G-B- but that means manually changing the filter each capture. It does have the advantage of allowing me to create 5 RGB images and then further stacking those in WinJupos.

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