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Help with 1st telescope

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Hello all thanks for having me, i have started to study astronomy and want to get a telescope which will last me and give me the best possible view of planets, galaxies etc and maybe a little photography eventually but more viewing

Its seems a dobsonian is the best bang for buck and i have been looking at the below as i have found alot of the used ones up north are expensive and not much cheaper than new and typically all the cheap ones are the other end of the country.

StellaLyra 8" f/6 Dobsonian | First Light Optics

Sky-Watcher Classic 200P Dobsonian | First Light Optics

is it possible to do some basic photography e.g. smartphone with the StellaLyra? and what extra would you reccomennd to get started e.g lunar filter/ and 2x lense. Also open to any other suggestions but i dont like going halfway when i do something so want some thing that will see me through for a while.




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Hi @LunarRob and welcome to SGL. :hello2:

I would give it a go. Lunar imaging is not as demanding as planetary or DSO’s, etc.

I would recommend you purchase a variable polarising filter. Also a Neodymium filter is another popular and universal filter to have. They are available in 1.25” and 2”.

Get use to the ‘scope and learn how it goes together and works, etc., (preferably in daylight), before thinking of what eyepieces and accessories.

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Another 'good choice' comment.
Don't spend on accessories yet.
OK maybe a low cost collimation tool in case the scope is 'off' when it arroves. Note low cost.

Don't bother about eyepieces, filters and more until you have looked and found limitation with the kit you use.
It is very easy to buy loads of accessories that you rarely use.

Enjoy the journey.


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I really like the concept of the Bresser's big altitude trunnions negating the need for friction devices and its tube ring saddle allowing tube rotation, forward-back balancing, and complete removal for use on an EQ mount.

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The Bresser is a good scope with some great features. I like the mount and tube rings - I wish my SL had that! The focuser can be upgraded to dual speed later as can the finder.

Have you thought about eyepieces? The BST Starguiders are well respected and good value for money https://www.firstlightoptics.com/bst-starguider-eyepieces.html

You'll need a good collimation tool. A Cheshire is a good place to start, though you can't beat the convenience of a good laser.

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The good news is that the Dobsonian is very upgradable.  For now I’d recommend getting used to your new telescope before considering upgrades. Well apart from an app on your phone and a copy of Turn Left at Orion that is.


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On 17/10/2023 at 13:14, LunarRob said:

Hello all thanks for having me, i have started to study astronomy and want to get a telescope which will last me and give me the best possible view of planets, galaxies etc and maybe a little photography eventually but more viewing


Hi Rob

Depending on where you are in Cheshire, you may well find yourself local to one of several Astronomy Societies, which can be a good way of finding fellow astronomy enthusiasts. 
There are clubs in - Chester, Macclesfield, High Legh, Wincham & Pickmere and South Cheshire 

and my own club, the Mid Cheshire Astro Group who meet near Delamere Forest. 

If you look on the excellent GoStargazing.co.uk website you can see where and when they meet. 



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2 hours ago, LunarRob said:

Great thanks for this info will check it out high Leigh isn’t far from me. Do people meet up and take their own telescopes? Thanks

Not sure about whether people take their own scopes

I understand that High Legh openng depends on the weather, but if you go to their website you can send them your phone number and they'll put you on a list to be messaged if they're running a Friday evening session. 

It's a bit further away for you, but I know that Liverpool AS always meet at Pex Hill (Widnes) observatory on Wednesday evenings, and people do take their own gear. 


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"Do people meet up and take their own telescopes? Thanks"

The big issue in the UK, especially the NW, is the extremely changeable weather. Most of the active Observers set up at home for ad-hoc sessions; some even have permanent mount set-ups so they can be observing quite quickly. It can be a PITB to load up your car and transport your gear to a site, only for the weather to make it a pointless exercise. 

Having said that, our society has an active Observers Group and we use WhatsApp to quickly coordinate group observing sessions. We usually use a country park near Macclesfield for these events. It's not dark sky but it's better than urban light pollution.

If the forecast is looking good, the call goes out on WA and whoever is available turns up with their kit for whatever their observing plan is for that night. 

We get quite a variety of telescopes and someone recently brought a beautiful SL 10" Dob. It gave excellent views. 

FYI, both Jodrell Bank and Cheshire East rangers hold family stargazing nights,  there's one this coming w/e, but it's probably full.

These events are usually supported by local clubs which bring along a variety of telescopes that the public can look through and the clubs are always keen to provide advice to new starters and help them choose the most suitable telescope for their needs. 

Hope that's helped. 



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