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anyone using a imx571 camera with n.i.n.a please-settings?


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hi had varying opinions but just wondered if anyone can tell me the camera settings they are using in nina for this camera /sensor,specifically the default offset ,using an altair astro 26m but suspect the 2600 and other versions will be the same,im using 0 for default offset and not 50 as in image, and also fan 1 instead of 0 in the image ,thanks  please ignore arrow 



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While you're waiting for those who know more about this camera/sensor than I, I've noticed a couple of things which may help.

In the Sensor Type on the screen, you have it set to RGGB but your 26M is a mono camera, so it there an option for a mono sensor?

You say you've set the offset to zero. Any reason for using zero because normally you would want to avoid using zero offset as this may clip the black or (as I read this morning) allow pixels with 0 ADU value. You really need to use some sort of offset value to move the histogram to the right slightly and avoid clipping the black point, even something like 20 or 30 will be fine. There is a way to find your correct offset value, but I can't locate the instructions at the moment.

This is what happens when you "upgrade" from CCD to CMOS, you now have to worry about things like gain & offset, which were factory set on the CCD camera! :D

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Thanks budgie this wasn't a screen shot of mine just 1 i could use as an example mine is set to mono and I think I had mine set to 50 initially as default, not sure why I changed it to  0 but thanks for the reply 👍 cc'd was much easier 😗

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I wouldn't use a default offset setting.  Take a dark sub with the setting you think you want to use (for me I engage HGM and Ultra Mode and set gain to 100).  Then look at the Dark's hisotgram in NINA.  The peak should be far to the left but not clipped.  In other words, the entire peak (even at the base) should be within the histogram while staying as far to the left as possible without clipping.

For me with the ToupTek IMX533 sensor, my offset is 335.34

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I have a RisingCam 571 OSC camera (Touptek clone) running with NINA, the settings I use are:

Gain 100

Offset 768

USB limit 2

I run the camera at -10 deg C and use 2 min exposures for Broadband imaging and 3 min exposure for NB (dual band filter).


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19 hours ago, tomato said:

I have a RisingCam 571 OSC camera (Touptek clone) running with NINA, the settings I use are:

Gain 100

Offset 768

USB limit 2

I run the camera at -10 deg C and use 2 min exposures for Broadband imaging and 3 min exposure for NB (dual band filter).


thanks tomato how did you come to 768 please

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On 10/09/2023 at 10:46, Budgie1 said:

This is what happens when you "upgrade" from CCD to CMOS, you now have to worry about things like gain & offset, which were factory set on the CCD camera! :D

Not true for all CCD cameras depends on the manufacturer... as far as I'm aware all QHY CCD cameras have gain & offset settings in the drivers.


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On 11/09/2023 at 18:04, tomato said:

I have a RisingCam 571 OSC camera (Touptek clone) running with NINA, the settings I use are:

Gain 100

Offset 768

USB limit 2

I run the camera at -10 deg C and use 2 min exposures for Broadband imaging and 3 min exposure for NB (dual band filter).

This is the same settings I normally use. I could go shorter on the subs, but the processing just takes soooooo long.

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You need someone to answer who has the exact same Altair Astro model IMX571 camera as you, because all the different ones out there, from different manufactures, use different settings, and different number systems for gain and offset, so what one person uses for a QHY268, for example,  as I have, will not work for a ZWO 2600, and vice versa…so don’t use setting's from other makes of IMX571 as you will have bigger issues….👍🏻

Edited by Stuart1971
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  • 2 weeks later...
50 minutes ago, PhilB61 said:

I have the colour version of the Altair IMX571 camera and use nina with the default Gain 100 and Offset 275, HGC mode on and generally 180s exposures in Bortle 4 with no filters. This seems to work well for me.

Thanks Phil how did you get the 275 figure for offset

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Nothing scientific I'm afraid, It was the default setting in NINA for my camera. And as it seemed to work well and I'm not very experienced with a dedicated astro camera plus having limited imaging time I've not yet experimented with anything else. 

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