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Observing the Northern Lights on a club trip to Tromso, Norway


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A few of us from our astronomy club organised a trip to try and see the Northern Lights in Norway. 
Two of our group had been before and so we decided to rent a car rather than use one of the many tour companies to look for places to observe from.
You're not really chasing the lights, you're chasing clear skies! 
We kept the costs down as best we could by booking an air b&b (which turned out to be a great place) and staying for 3 (ish) nights. 
It's a total gamble on seeing them or not, it could be completely clear but if there is no aurora activity then obviously there'll be no show. 
OR it could be a Carrington event kicking off but over a blanket of cloud then you'll be denied also. So you'd need to make peace with that before you go. 
We scored by timing our stay to coincide with some strong storm activity that happened to hit when we were there along with finding some clear sky's at a really nice location. 

I put together this vlog of our trip, shows the locations we went to and the night we finally got to experience and photograph the lights. 
Hope it may help any of you thinking about going or organising a club trip. 


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