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April 2, 2023: Sun in three bands; FINALLY

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In my first solar imaging session since August 25, 2022 (!), I finally got good weather, and time to set up the solar kit. I set up the APM 80mm F/6 triplet on the Vixen Great Polaris mount, with the Beloptik Tri-Band ERF. For white light I used my Lunt Herschel wedge, ASI178MM camera, and Baader Solar Spectrum filter. An extra UV/IR block wasn't needed due to the Beloptik ERF.

Not much could be seen in white light.

Sun WL, grey scale:


Sun WL, pseudo-colour:



In Ca-K a lot more activity could be spotted. Here I used my Lunt B1800s Ca-K module, with the ASI178MM. Again 500 frames stacked out of 2000.

Sun Ca-K: grey scale:


Sun Ca-K, pseudo-colour:


Sun Ca-K, part inverted:


Sun Ca-K, part inverted, pseudo-colour:


The most detail was visible in H-alpha, as ever. This was taken with the Solar Spectrum 0.3 Å H-alpha filter, Baader TZ-4 4x tele-centric lens, and ASI174MM camera. Given the larger focal length, I needed a 15-pane mosaic to cover the entire disc. Each pane is a stack of 300 out of 1000 frames.

Sun H-alpha, grey scale:


Sun H-alpha, pseudo-colour:


Sun H-alpha, part inverted:


Sun H-alpha, part inverted + pseudo-colour:



Clicking to see the full-resolution versions is highly recommended, especially in the case of H-alpha

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