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Coddington's Nebula among IFN in Ursa Major


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This is hopefully a start of a joint project with Wim @wimvb, if it will clear up around Stockholm. The idea is that I will collect the wide-field IFN dust with my RASAs, which I now have done, and Wim is grabbing the finer details in the galaxy with his SW MN190 (yes, Coddington's nebula IC2574 is a galaxy!). Wim has started but needs the sky to clear - I have been more lucky lately here in western Sweden.

So here is the result of 9+ hours from Tuesday night with my dual RASA8 rig and ASI2600MC (no filter). Processed in PI and PS with all the new XTerminator tricks.

If you zoom in you can see that the RASA managed to collect quite a lot of galactic detail.

Cheers, Göran

20230221 IC2574 RASA1+2 PS15smallSign.jpg

Edited by gorann
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17 hours ago, Maximidius said:

Another beauty, Gronan. I feel like I really need some IFN in my life after seeing your images. 

Thanks Maximidius! Much appreciated even if you slightly misspelled my name😆

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@gorann Hope you don't mind me asking this.

Where are you finding these targets to image ?

I am using Stellarium and I know this is not going to contain the information I need.

What I am looking for is something like Stellarium that has a scannable view on screen (with images if possible) , but has these more "seldom visited" regions

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.


BTW : Cracking image as always, something to aspire to for me. Just wish I had the skies :)

Edited by Catanonia
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21 hours ago, gorann said:

Aladin Sky Atlas is an excellent free source. Google and you find it. There is a web version and one you can install on your computer.

Had a mess around with the options in Stellarium and increased the catalogues and hints shown. Then mix this with a google search of what I can see in Stellarium to see some examples of images and I get what I need.

Also worked out what LBN and LDN actually means (bright and dark nebula's) and that helped massively :)

I downloaded Aladin and it seemed way to complicated for me, I could not even find how to put in your location and time (if that is at all possible)

Thanks for your help @gorann, it kicked me into actually doing some research :)

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10 hours ago, Catanonia said:

I downloaded Aladin and it seemed way to complicated for me, I could not even find how to put in your location and time (if that is at all possible)

You can't enter your location and time zone into Aladin, because it's not a stellarium program. Aladin is an online database with an interactive map of skies as its interface. It's much easier to use Aladin Lite, the online version of the database. Either you scrol with your mouse or you enter the ID of a target into the entry field on the left. If you use the bullseye marker on the left, any target you click on will get a small tag. Click the name in that tag to get to the Simbad database and find information on that target. From there you can access the NASA Extragalactic Database (NED) and any publications on that target. The images that make up the user interface are from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Once you get to know it, it's a very powerful tool with capabilities far more advanced than anything a stellarium can throw at you.

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