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Canon IS 18x50 for astro?


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I'm sure there are a few threads around. The general consensus is that it is a good binocular for astronomy, particularly if you handheld is your only option. I hve them but have only tried a couple of times but the stabilisation certainly makes a difference.

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I’ve used 15x50IS binos for Astro and they work very well. I chose the lower power as I thought they would be easier to hold and give slightly bright images given the larger exit pupil. Any reason for going for the 18x?

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The 18x50 are a pretty sizeable brick, came across one being used for birding, so don’t know what its night time performance is like. For daytime use I’d prefer a much lighter binocular and a light spotter instead as trying to combine in one ends up with hard to find things and not enough power at the same time. 


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