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First light report Sirius


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I present to you on a (less then perfect not finished AZ3) 90/1000 SCS voyager (my double star scope) so this evening starts with some observations with the little AT50 and while observing the moon and the beautiful Orion neb I noticed I could split Rigel again now from the vantage point of my upstairs room I saw Sirius and panned over and to my suprise it wasn’t a fuzzy disco show it was clean and crisp this got me excited  … so downstairs to the man cave I went I’ve been waiting for an evening like this for a fair while so I finished building up the 90mm F11.1 onto my unfinished modified AZ3 and out I went armed with a few eyeoieces for first light ok so this went extremely well beautiful lunar views crisp and clean high contrast images were Burned into the back of my retina !!!! So I thought to myself do I dare … yep F it I’m gonna go for glory on first light so I cycled through a 9mm ,6mm 5mm and ended up with a 4mm giving 111x , 166x, 200x and finally 250x and I watched and observed it was clean lots of glare but clean practically no CA and sharp but oh so bright I observed and got my eye in for about 20 mins and that’s when I saw it ; a dim dot about 2 o’clock respective to Sirius A I doubted myself so kept observing seeing cycled through ok good and then BAM 💥 again 2 o’clock I could have shouted if it weren’t for the fact I would be lambasted by neighbours AGAIN !!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 ok so theirs times a charm am I imagining it am I really seeing one of my bucket list items on FIRST LIGHT !!! Surely I must be tired imagining it or just pure tricking myself could I see it now … no then again seeing went from ok to good to great and BAM 💥 THE PUP !!! So it’s only fair to say here that the pup was in the glare it was not a full blown clean inky black separated split more a “i see you ; you little [removed word] in the glare split” so I guess I’m asking you guys in a frac (diagonal 5CC0AE87-C4DF-4398-81ED-02FB639F6769.thumb.jpeg.52af7aed62d14e4b3e8a769508dc216b.jpeg9392A56F-825D-49CA-B704-A43C7D513E6C.thumb.jpeg.80ea16fd3217234716b702b0f669a464.jpeg6AC1EA51-7D1D-47DD-9B0A-D5E1CCE95A18.thumb.jpeg.593a583a8b3ac65e0226fac3c6051c80.jpegE735D87A-7988-494D-BF6F-8E59E5BA0F56.thumb.jpeg.9dc3bd8bdbe015f7f26ed87dc85a2ff0.jpegreversed at 2 o’clock currently as I observed it through the eyepiece in the sky)  so by my estimate North North East naked eye sky is the pup ? Did I just luck out or am I suffering from astronomical dilusion ?? If not this goes down as the best first light I’m probably ever going to have lol 

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I don't think you were deluded, Moon -Monkey, the positioning sounds about right, and an F11 90mm would be able to show the Pup in excellent seeing.

The fact that you were able to repeat your observations several times, and that you observed Sirius over an extended period, all suggest to me that your sighting was a genuine one. It may be a long time til everything comes together for you again like that, so do savour the moment.



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Looks like you got it Phil, amazing, we’ll done!! 🥳 It’s great to know it can be seen in a smaller scope, and will encourage me to keep trying ….I shall continue to wait for that rare night of good seeing. 

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48 minutes ago, F15Rules said:

I don't think you were deluded, Moon -Monkey, the positioning sounds about right, and an F11 90mm would be able to show the Pup in excellent seeing.

The fact that you were able to repeat your observations several times, and that you observed Sirius over an extended period, all suggest to me that your sighting was a genuine one. It may be a long time til everything comes together for you again like that, so do savour the moment.



Thanks Dave , I appreciate the comments 🙂 I like to repeatedly  observe my targets especially tougher or in this case bucket list items as I’m aware of how the human brain reacts at times it can fool us all lol . I’m still buzzing and barely slept last night I just lay in bed thinking about that session 

I had someone email me with the position just now and it seems to be as you say in the right ball park so from your experience and the sky safari image I think I can tick this off 🪣 list  🥳🥳 I guess going out every single night it’s clear and some that it’s not pays off in the end what a great couple of months I’ve had I hope I haven’t peaked lol with the Deimos sighting and this one I’m so glad I train with smaller apeture they were right it does help massively 🙂 clear skies 


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46 minutes ago, RobertI said:

Looks like you got it Phil, amazing, we’ll done!! 🥳 It’s great to know it can be seen in a smaller scope, and will encourage me to keep trying ….I shall continue to wait for that rare night of good seeing. 

Thanks buddy I guess all the stars aligned for me I just knew to try it when I observed it through the 50 and it was sharp I knew then I may have a chance but never thought it would happen. Lol thanks for the reply mate appreciate it keep trying never give up it will happen 🔭💥

clear skies 


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31 minutes ago, Saganite said:

Well done, not an easy target, and probably not one that you will capture very often.:headbang:

Thanks bud yes I’ve tried with other instruments before including an 8” Dob but the seeing never played ball 🙂

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12 minutes ago, jock1958 said:

Congratulations on seeing the ‘Pup’!!

I’ve had no joy myself but I’ll keep on trying. I think the key elements for me are seeing and latitude, neither which seem to be in my favour 😩

Thanks bud yes totally agree it all had to fall into place for this one at least for me 🙂 try and observe at greatest height from the horizon and just keep trying 👍👍👍

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