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Ring nebula was weird


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Erm. Averted vision?

Your eyes are more sensitive on the periphery (likely a survival thing) rather than dead on which allows full on RGB detail resolving. Most visual observers use this to find faint objects.

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Some nebulas are bonkers when it comes to averted vision with the difference in brightness.  I recently observed Caldwell 39 (highly recommend it btw) and looking dead on it was incredibly faint but if you caught it in averted vision it was so much brighter.  I could even briefly make out the central star (pretty sure I could at least).  All faint fuzzys benefit from averted vision, but I think some get a bigger boost than others.

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Yes, averted vision is a great skill for the nebulas. Many will reveal more details. Another one that you might want to try is the 'blinking' NGC 6826; looking at it straight on doesn't show any nebulosity but with averted it pops. An OIII will show it with straight on vision. It's a fun one to make it blink.

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