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eos rp shutter/ intervalometer help needed


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How can I take sequences of longish exposures using bulb or manual mode?. Manual mode goes up to 30 secs, which is OK, but I would like to take sequences of say 1-500 exposures at 10-30 secs or similar.

I can't seem to find a way to do this, although the camera has the ability, but not in the right modes, B or Manual.

It is possible to do so wirelessly.  I have the canon connect app but its not that good. Other apps claim to work but I'm not keen on using a phone, which turns itself off after a short time, or may be interrupted by calls or texts.

So my last resort is to knock up / buy an intervalometer ??, basically a timer which will connect the contacts on the external bulb jack on the camera.  I have a dummy battery pack which would likely have room inside it for such a thing.

Any thoughts or ideas much appreciated.

Best Regards



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There is a software extension to the inbuilt OS which will allow for longer exposures etc., https://magiclantern.fm/  or there are multiple software packages that will do what you want, but will require a small computer to drive everything e.g. BackyardEOS https://www.otelescope.com/store/category/2-backyardeos/  or Sharpcap  https://www.sharpcap.co.uk/  etc...

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I did think most modern Canon cameras have built in intervalometers, sometimes called "timelapse or interval" in the menu. My camera can do up to 99 shots at 30 seconds or a single bulb duration time but unfortunately not both together.


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Hi Alan

My RP does indeed have an interval timer, however it does not seem to play with Bulb mode. Manual mode is only up to 30 second interval so a bit limited.

When enabled it  can take up to 99 shots, or, as I have just found out, an unlimited number if set to zero. By setting the interval at 30 secs. an exposure time of 28 secs is possible, allowing ~2 secs to save the image.

Using an unlimited number is OK, so I think I will have to make do with up to 28 sec exposures. (Someone clever needs to hack the firmware .. )

Best Regards


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9 minutes ago, picclock said:

My RP does indeed have an interval timer, however it does not seem to play with Bulb mode. Manual mode is only up to 30 second interval so a bit limited.

By definition, bulb mode can't work... bulb means "open whilst shutter button (or remote) is pressed" and is indeterminate. Unless they provide a means to set the duration! Not beyond the wit of the firmware writers but it doesn't seem anyone does that.

Most cameras seem to be limited to 30 sec (ish) max in manual mode, although some Lumix models do 60 sec, maybe others do too.

Can you not just plug in an external (proper) intervalometer?

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Hi wulfrun

I could just do that, but this is my portable setup and I'm trying to keep the weight complexity and size down to a minimum.  Good point about the bulb setting, because as soon as you put a time on it it ceases to be bulb .. .

I hope the skies have been kinder to you over the last few weeks as its been permanently cloudy (and wet) down here in Dorset.

So hacking the firmware magic lantern style would be ideal, but alas the magic lantern crew have not caught up with the EOS RP yet.

I may make a custom intervalometer and fit it in the battery box. I've heard you can get a pair of cheap headphones with a 2.5mm plug and just use the lead from them, so I might put that on my round tuit list.

Best Regards


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