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Observatory alarms...


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What systems are people using...

I'm thinking of a remote panel in the house with contacts and PIR fitted in the OBS and IR CCTV as well... I want a "sound Bomb" in the obs so if it does go off its unbearable in there... its pretty bad with the existing sounder ...


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I use a professional grade alarm system in the obs, which was supplied by the same specialist company that supplied the house alarm system.

It wasn't cheap, but the neither is the equipment its there to protect.

I'm not going to go into details, but suffice to say, that its in a different league to the DiY store alarm systems.

There is also video surveilance, but again no detail.

Having said that, anything that you do to provide some security for your obsy, is beneficial.

Nothing is 100% against the determined professional thief, and all we can do is to put as many obstacles and deterrents in place, that we can sensibly do.


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Indeed I would expect details....

One of the lads in work was an alarm engineer and we do a bit with CCTV as well so I have asked him to look into it for me... and whether to go wireless or not...

Used to be up on BS4737 myself having done my major project on alarm systems many years ago...

My main requirement will be to have the panel remote... so I can arm and disarm the alarm from inside the house (my bedroom) with a low level Chime sounder repeater with the Noisy stuff outside... probably linking into the CCTV recorder and "floods"...


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I have 2 alarm systems, one home brew and one pro. Again I wont go into details but they are used as belt and braces

Shed alarms are OK for protecting lawnmowers but are not really on for Observatories


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sounds like a good project Peter.

I have a sounder in my bedroom which goes off if anybody walks in breathing distance of my garden. It is at that point I lean out of the window with a loaded Winchester 12Ga and pose the thought provoking question;

"Any last requests?"


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I used to have a self powered system that used a basic multivibrator, car ignition coil and 12v battery. The final delivered voltage was in the order of 20-30,000, it could jump a fair sized gap. Switch it on and connect it to various external metallic parts put there for the purpose. Including the locks, hinges and so on.

I have also heard of a system that uses shotgun cartridges in a pipe or something. When the alarm triggers the 'shotgun' goes off.


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My obsy has a stand alone magnetic door switch type alarm, externally 3 gun cabinet grade padlocks take care of the doors plus I have a modified security post that goes a cross both doors...again with gun cabinet grade lock.

Realistically if your carrying something there's only one way onto my property and that's covered by CCTV.

Remember whatever steps you take if they want it they will get it. Make sure you have adequate insurance.

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A sad but true fact these days if they want it they'll get it no matter, the low-lifes also seem to think that if they can't get it then they'll wreck it to stop you having it !

I would suggest adequate insurance is a must. If the theives or vandals are actually caught the recovery of ones equipment or adequate compensation for your loss from them is these days highly unlikely :)


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Now, I know what you all mean, and I know why, but I am going to come at this from a slightly different angle...

It would seem to me that an opportunist thief isnt going to go for your obsy gear, he's gonna be after easy stuff to shift - Astro-gear wouldn't be easy to shift I would have thought.

So, my expectation is that someone would be stealing to order - in which case, they probably know your setup, and would know how to bypass it.

In my book, that means insurance is a must - I am not even going to discuss my security arrangements on a public forum :)



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Insurance is a "given" .. alarms and other security measures are just to convince the insurance comapny that you have been "diligent"....

Now where did put those alarm mines.... and aint it great that claymores have the useful this side to enemy message printed on them....

I can quite imagine that with some of you "schemes" it would be like a scene out of an indiana jones movie...


Previous post(s) "censored" :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you could just let be "borrow" the disarming remote and give me a map to the observatory I will test it for you...I will be sure to return everything Honest!

I may need a hand moving the scope though..

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Cheers Neil :)

So far no false alarms and has gone off everytime it been tested... and a bit of lateral thinking has made it "parent proof"... never mind what they do to the panel its protected...and only I can arm and disarm the obs system...

Being able to check things are ok remotely on CCTV is a real nice feature ...

I am waiting for the first time I forget to do it in the middle of the night boy will I be "pouplar" :(:)

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