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Jove in daylight with a 6" achro & toucam

Kokatha man

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Well, I was supposedly never backward about being forward as a child I'm told.....and looking in this planetary section and seeing all the Saturns (naturally enough with all you Northern Hemisphere chaps!) so I though I'd be outrageous and post a pretty rank newbies image of Jupiter I took this morning in broad daylight.

The sun was almost about to come up and it was quite something for me to be imaging/observing it (Jupiter) at this time of night/day.....broad daylight.....

I'm a babe in the woods with planet imaging (about the same as, although slightly more advanced with DSO's).....and of course the old 6" SW achro exhibits plenty of CA when imaging.....and correct colour is the bane of these instruments in general with imaging, planets in particular.....

But seeing Jupiter will expand from 34 arc-seconds in size to 49" and go from mag -2 to -2.9 in the next few months down South here, I am really looking forward to getting my 12" newt up and running with my own brand of peltier cooling etc in time for opposition.....will still only be using the old 840k toucam but am hoping to make some reasonable advances with the better imaging scope.....;):D:D

Anyway, 2&1/2 min avi with f/l 3000mm (f8 150mm achro and 2.5X barlow and toucam) put through Registax and sharpened in CS3.....a decidedly "golden" Jupiter....!:rolleyes::D:D


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That was 10fps Dave.....I've not had much success (albeit a very limited amount of actual experience in total) with anything but a 2.5X barlow with the 6" achro.....but it made me think that this morning it was almost worth a crack with the 5X powermate.....which usually has given too dim an image with that aperture (despite the great image scale provided.)

Might have another crack with it.....but really waiting for my 12" and have all that extra aperture and scale with no CA or colour reproduction.....also just used the basic Phillips vlounge capture program.....

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Very nice, and I'm pleased you got this Image with an Achro 6", as I have one too but never tried Imaging with it yet. I hope to have a go soon with the scope and a DMK Camera.

Meanwhile, I hope you don't mind me borrowing your Image to see what it looks like in Greyscale.



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fantastic image made even better by Ron. By doing it in grayscale you have removed the purple halo in the original and it's now more of a natural look.

Kokatta you have caught some great features well done.

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