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100th Session of the Year

Roy Challen

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Wow! I've never had such a busy astro year! The majority have been solar sessions, but the last few weeks have seen the brighter planets in more favourable positions. The seeing was very good and Saturn was my target this time, and using just my Hyperflex zoom, it didn't disappoint. I could make out the Cassini division - just - and also Rhea occasionally with averted vision. Not bad for a 76mm achro! I also had a quick look at Epsilon Lyrae, as you do, split at around x83 mag. Then had a quick peek at Polaris. This was an easier split at x59 than anything else due to the magnitude difference of the secondary.

It's starting to get chilly at night, so packed up after an hour feeling pretty happy🙂

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Well done. I’ve definitely had more solar viewing this year rather than night time ones. TBH I’ve been extremely busy with work so there have been many times when I wanted to go out at night to observe, but tiredness called a halt to that. Last night been a prime example; was planning to do some double observing, but fell asleep on the sofa at just gone 10pm watching a show, then woke up at just gone 12am and made my way on up to bed. :( 

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Well done on 100 sessions completed!   I've only really started to do some solar but this very much depends taking advantage of a short break from work.  I'm close 40 (night) sessions this year though even with almost 3 month hiatus through illness and lack of astro-dark - so it's been a good year so far!  May it continue into Autumn and Winter when there's even more time to take advantage.

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1 hour ago, Davesellars said:

Well done on 100 sessions completed!   I've only really started to do some solar but this very much depends taking advantage of a short break from work.  I'm close 40 (night) sessions this year though even with almost 3 month hiatus through illness and lack of astro-dark - so it's been a good year so far!  May it continue into Autumn and Winter when there's even more time to take advantage.

40-50 was about the max I've ever been able to before this year. Being part time from April-June helped with that, then being redundant (by choice, not a bad thing at all) from July until now has helped even more! Sometimes, I don't even take advantage of a clear night, shocking I know!

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Hi Roy,

Well done !

  The year started well and I had probably a dozen sessions in January and then with the summer that we have had, it has been a good year so far for me. Nothing even close to 100 as I don't do Solar, but still the best for a very long time, and as you point out, being retired is a definite boon for this hobby....:smiley:

Edited by Saganite
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