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Masuyama ‘ultra-premium’ Japanese eyepieces

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Saw these on FLO tonight.

They’re described as ‘mythical’ and ‘legendary’ in the description on the site.

I’m looking for some low power wide field eyepieces but I’d never heard of these - Hardly surprising given my newcomer status, but are they really all that?  Does anyone own any from the original run back in the 80’s?

85 degree FoV and long eye relief seems enticing?  Price seems much lower than equivalent Naglers?  Are those what these are competing with?






Edited by TheycallmeRiver
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Search on CN.  There's lots of reports on them there.  Basically, extremely fine polish, low glare/scatter, high contrast.  However, the edge falls apart in sub f/8 scopes starting at 50% out from the center.  The faster the scope, the worse the edge looks.  If you simply look on-axis and use the outer field for context, they're reportedly great.  They're supposedly terrific in slower scopes (think f/10 and higher).

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  • 2 months later...

I’ve had the Masuyama 16mm (1.25”) and 26mm (2”) for about a year.

When used in my FC-76DCU (f/7.5) they exhibit quite significant field curvature from around 50% outwards and then astigmatism in the outer 20%. Still fine for “framing” and reference though.

However, these aberrations reduce in the FC-100DC (f/8) and are not noticeable in either the FS-60Q (f/10), FOA-60Q (f/10) or Mewlon 180C (f/12). I haven’t (yet) tried them in my 10” Dob (f/5).

They have really excellent contrast and a certain clarity and vibrancy in colour rendition, which makes them quite special, particularly for clusters and DSOs… for this reason they remain a central part of my eyepiece set 😀

I wouldn’t have them as your only eyepieces though in fast(er) scopes 🤔


Edited by HollyHound
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