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Gas giants in IR (after the heatwave)


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The rain we got last night cleared the atmosphere from the heatwave and the seeing was very good, with the Milky Way nice and bright from my site. I was imaging ISS at midnight but I messed up my filters and I used an IR pass. Saturn and Jupiter were rising and I imaged them with the same filter. By the time I put the UV/IR cut filter clouds were coming in but the brief period Jupiter looked really sharp even at the low elevation at 1am. but I did not manage to get enough frames before clouds came. 8" Dob, asi462mc, 2.5x TV powermate, IR pass filter. PIPP, Autostakkert and Astrosurface.



Edited by Kon
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1 hour ago, morimarty said:

Still you made good by the filter mistake Kon as some nice details are on show. By the way we have all contaminated our filters at some time or other.😀👍

Thank you. It's a shame I could not get enough colour images since the seeing was very good last night. I think it was the first time i could see details on Jupiter with the correct filter as it was drifting in the FOV before the clouds came.

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Last time i tried is what i posted recently. And the usual going in and out of focus problem. So havent bothered, or had the energy too tbh. Looks like I may be missing some better seeing then from the reports of  you and Simon. Nice one for getting out there Kon. This weather takes it out of us all, no doubt. So good you are getting out there. And getting some good results in the process. 

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42 minutes ago, neil phillips said:

Last time i tried is what i posted recently. And the usual going in and out of focus problem. So havent bothered, or had the energy too tbh. Looks like I may be missing some better seeing then from the reports of  you and Simon. Nice one for getting out there Kon. This weather takes it out of us all, no doubt. So good you are getting out there. And getting some good results in the process. 

I think the rain helped as we commented yesterday as well. As I mentioned in this post, the Milky Way was nicely visible; a good sign for me. If the weather had hold and the planets were higher up it would have been a good night. It seems we will be clouded over for the next few days so we can give our body a rest.

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well done on your captures kon, Jupiters showing some good detail recently as you observed but the cloud issue is a real pain at least in my neck of the woods, this game as never been easy but persistence usually pays off in the end!

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2 hours ago, si@nite said:

well done on your captures kon, Jupiters showing some good detail recently as you observed but the cloud issue is a real pain at least in my neck of the woods, this game as never been easy but persistence usually pays off in the end!

Yes it has been awful for both visual and imaging my side as well. Let's hope for some decent skies soon.

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