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Solar snippets of the day June 3rd

Nigella Bryant

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Hi all, another glorious day of sunshine but seeing wasn't that great. Nevertheless there was some interesting activity. Particularly on the south eastern limb. The new system that appeared a couple of days ago shows some nice magnetic activity although no spots at the moment. This could mean that there could be a further build up of magnetic activity and thus spot forming and maybe flares. On the limb there was a faint but nice spray prominence associated probably with an Active Region coming onto the solar disk. A few small filaproms too which are nice to see wrap around the limb. Screenshots for info. 



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Edited by Nigella Bryant
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1 hour ago, Alan White said:

Thanks for all the images and share Nigella, 
I have been unable to observe this week as roof being removed on house and too much dust for optics,
so very much appreciated.


Glad it's helpful Alan. Goodness, roof removed, that's a huge job. 

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19 minutes ago, Nigella Bryant said:

Glad it's helpful Alan. Goodness, roof removed, that's a huge job. 

Indeed it is, even more worrying with the storm warning just given on tonight’s news !
fingers 🤞 it’s as watertight as the roofer assures me it is.

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