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Pentax XW 10mm or APM XWA 9mm?

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Hi folks!

Need your advice if you had the chance to compare the 2 directly. I have APM XWA 13mm (wow, great visual experience, in both below scopes), APM XWA 20mm ordered/ to come. Aside this, I have 2 Vixen SLV 25 mm for binoviewer and planning to buy 2 Vixen SLV 10 mm for the same. Vixen SLV is being considered the small baby of Pentax XW (contrast, light transmission but smaller FoV)


For wide fields/ low power, APM is nice but i was wondering if for high power the same ultra wide is useful or better to go towards comfort (like Pentax XW).  Or Vixen 10mm is too close to Pentax XW, no point taking just a little bigger FoV?


When the budget will allow, I am planning to go towards same logic- either Pentax or APM XWA, for the smallest focal length. Pentax XW 10mm and 7mm are well known for (probably) best of class around this size


Current scopes are 120/600 SW achro and Mak 127 but planning to buy in the future APO or/and C8 or/ and Mak 180

Current mount is manual EQ5 and AZEQ6


Thank you!

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I use both a 9mm Morpheus and 10mm Delos, and both are great all around performers with long eye relief.  My 7mm XW is nice, but sometimes displays a bit of chromatism at the edge on bright objects.  All have wonderful contrast from excellent stray light control.  Sorry I can't be of much help on the XWAs since my astigmatism precludes using them without eyeglasses; and with eyeglasses, they're narrower than the XW, Morpheus, and Delos.

My BV eyepieces live in a different case from my A-team monovision eyepieces, so I never use the two at the same time.  If I setup for BV usage, I don't get out the monovision case and vice-versa.  My point is, you're unlikely to use the Vixens in monovision viewing as you grow in the hobby, so don't worry about overlap with wider field eyepieces used strictly for monovision.

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Thanks a lot Louis!

I did not  take in consideration Morpheus so far- I had a Hyperion in the past replaced by APM; great mechanics but not happy with the eye placement (Hyperion)

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I don't have any experience with the APM XWAs but I do have a 21 Ethos. Initially after getting the Ethos I thought that I would end up moving from XWs to Ethos at all focal lengths when using my dob. However, after a short while I discovered that while the Ethos is good for maximising the field of view I can get through the scope, when examining DSOs for an extended period of time at shorter focal lengths I prefer the XWs. I find the XWs more comfortable to use, don't find myself wishing that the FoV was that bit wider, and due to the rubber covered exterior and longer eye relief they are much more resistant to dew which makes them more suitable for longer viewing periods. I have also used them for lunar/planetary and they are excellent eyepieces for that, although I have now switched to physically smaller eyepieces for planetary as I use binoviewers and I found that I could not use XW pairs with the eyecups extended.

I also have some SLVs that I use with my solar scope. Whilst they are very nice eyepieces and give views that are similar to the XWs, I find the 50° field too restrictive for DSOs and as such would recommend wider eyepieces when you are monoviewing rather than binoviewing.

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23 hours ago, Ricochet said:

I don't have any experience with the APM XWAs but I do have a 21 Ethos. Initially after getting the Ethos I thought that I would end up moving from XWs to Ethos at all focal lengths when using my dob. However, after a short while I discovered that while the Ethos is good for maximising the field of view I can get through the scope, when examining DSOs for an extended period of time at shorter focal lengths I prefer the XWs. I find the XWs more comfortable to use, don't find myself wishing that the FoV was that bit wider, and due to the rubber covered exterior and longer eye relief they are much more resistant to dew which makes them more suitable for longer viewing periods. I have also used them for lunar/planetary and they are excellent eyepieces for that, although I have now switched to physically smaller eyepieces for planetary as I use binoviewers and I found that I could not use XW pairs with the eyecups extended.

I also have some SLVs that I use with my solar scope. Whilst they are very nice eyepieces and give views that are similar to the XWs, I find the 50° field too restrictive for DSOs and as such would recommend wider eyepieces when you are monoviewing rather than binoviewing.

Thanks a lot for your clear answer!

If you allow me, what Pentax are you using mostly for monoviewing instead of Ethos, all range or only the smaller foclas?

For binoviewing, are you using the SLV or what would you recommand? I have used SW Goldline but found SLV more comfortable to use, even if the FoV is smaller

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+1 here for the Pentax XW 10mm, although I can't directly compare it with the APM XWA. It's a great eyepiece, tack sharp, great build quality and thoroughly enjoyable to use. 

I also have a 17.5mm and 4.5mm Morpheus, and have not used the 9mm but can extrapolate from my experiences with those that this would also be a great choice, per Louis recommendation. 

For clarity, I only do monoviewing so can comment on the binoviewing side of things. 

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1 minute ago, badhex said:

+1 here for the Pentax XW 10mm, although I can't directly compare it with the APM XWA. It's a great eyepiece, tack sharp, great build quality and thoroughly enjoyable to use. 

I also have a 17.5mm and 4.5mm Morpheus, and have not used the 9mm but can extrapolate from my experiences with those that this would also be a great choice, per Louis recommendation. 

For clarity, I only do monoviewing so can comment on the binoviewing side of things. 

Thanks a lot Joe!

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3 hours ago, Marian M said:

If you allow me, what Pentax are you using mostly for monoviewing instead of Ethos, all range or only the smaller foclas?

I have 7/10/14 XWs. In an f6 scope this is all that is really needed for DSOs, but maybe I could add a 5 at some point. 

3 hours ago, Marian M said:

For binoviewing, are you using the SLV or what would you recommand? I have used SW Goldline but found SLV more comfortable to use, even if the FoV is smaller

I have Televue Delites and Panoptics. The APM UFF series would be a cheaper alternative. 

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9 hours ago, Ricochet said:

I have 7/10/14 XWs. In an f6 scope this is all that is really needed for DSOs, but maybe I could add a 5 at some point. 

What focal length scope(s)?  I use my 5.2mm XL to resolve globular clusters at around 230x in my scope.  My 7mm XW is just starting to resolve GCs at around 170x.  The 3.5mm XW is usually too much power.

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7 hours ago, Louis D said:

What focal length scope(s)?  I use my 5.2mm XL to resolve globular clusters at around 230x in my scope.  My 7mm XW is just starting to resolve GCs at around 170x.  The 3.5mm XW is usually too much power.

1200mm. I find diffraction rings are really apparent at sub 1mm exit pupils. I've got a 2x telextender that I can use for higher powers of needed but I tend to prefer not using it. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
7 hours ago, Marian M said:

Finally ask a friend to buy the Pentax XW 10 from USA (the price vs Europe is almost at half), so keep you posted when will arrive/ first impressions 😀

Great! I don't think you'll be disappointed, it's an excellent EP 😊

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The Pentax XWs between 3.5mm and 10mm are universally praised by many. I'm sure you will love it.

Between it and my N9T6, I prefer the Pentax for its better eye relief and more importantly easier eye position. The advantage of the nagler is its slimmer body which allows easier balance when used in my 80 f/6 on the mount zero.

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