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14th May 3007

neil phillips

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This morning was completely clear. just blue sky. Started setting up the scope. Saw a bit of cloud. By the time I was ready to go. Sky completely clouded over lol. Anyway waited ages, got some gaps. 

Pulled a fair amount out considering how disturbed it was. 

Orion 245mm Newtonian stopped down to 7.3 " F8.4  Baader continuum and GSO IR block Baader 3.8 astro solar ZWO 178MM EQ5 PRO 

False colour with a bit of contrast to bring out some granulation 

First Mono 11:24 second Mono 11.28 UT

14th May orion c.png



14th May orion mono second.tif Z.png

last capture different processing


different processing.png con.png

Edited by neil phillips
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33 minutes ago, Freddie said:

Looking good.

Seeing was complete pants here. Haven't even bothered to process what I captured yet as my expectations are low. Nice to see what it should look like.

Sorry to hear that Freddie. Its so variable. At my location. the first 6 or 7 runs between clouds were also pants. Then I think I nailed focus. Had been trying for ages. What makes it hard is the Orion focuser is 6 feet in the air. I have to put the laptop on a tall box. stand up with a towel over my head. one hand on the lappy the other on the focuser, And try. On a EQ5 mount with the long 10" Orion you can imagine the shake i get. Its really really difficult. 

But after nailing focus. i could see a few moments here and there with clarity coming through. And at 161 fps. we dont need a lot of those moments to get detail as you well know. Was totally in awe of that shot you posted on here recently. Inspiring. 

Edited by neil phillips
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20 minutes ago, Trevor N said:

Very nice detail there Neil.I have the same issues trying to focus the Mak. One touch of the focuser and the image rattles around for ages before settling 

Cheers Trevor. Yeah its not easy. And with the sun you can be in focus. But because of the thermals and seeing, it looks out of focus. So you have to wait for the good moments on the image to tell any focus corrections. Delaying judgment.  To tell if you need to focus further.  All the while shaking

Edited by neil phillips
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