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M97 more leisurely re edit


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I love that first process after gathering a load of data, looking to see what comes out of those grainy subs. Trouble is it usually ends up a bit of a mess. So my owl has had a bit of a preen.

Sorted out a mis alignment with the Ha and OIII. Done 2 iterations of deconvolution with CCDsharp, cropped out the rubbish from the off axis prism and taken a bit of care over the back ground.

What I though was a faint fuzzy artefact on the star above and to the left of the neb is actually a pukka bit of starriness, not sure what though. So here's my second stab at it. No doubt I wont be happy with it in the morning but I promise I wont post any more!


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I know a bloke who stayed at home processing his Owl nebula instead of going out courting his young lady. Being a rainy night, he said it was too wet to woo..........

Thats lovely Martin, very natural looking. How big is this target, in relation to say, the ring nebula?

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Now that is a cracker! Thats a lovely smooth Owl.

It looks different to images I've seen before - that I guess could be down to using OIII for one of the channels?

Either way I think it's nice, nice detail in the outer layers of the nebula.


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