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I've been trying to capture Sirius B for the last few sessions using my Celestron 6SE and Zwo asi224mc with a 2x Barlow.  This evening, I recorded a video and tried to stack the images as per planetary imaging. There was no sign of Sirius B in my stacked image. However, I did see in AutoStekkert!3 that several individual frames were of good quality.. I scrolled through the individual frames and I have attached the ones that show a distinct separation - they all show this separate entity at just before the 12 o'clock position. Is this Sirius B?

Clear skies












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9 minutes ago, chiltonstar said:

B trails behind A, ie due E. What is the orientation of your images?

Those images do look like they show Sirius B, but the question posed by chiltonstar could confirm.

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Hi, yes, I messed up in that I didn't orientate the camera so North was top and the video has Tracking on the whole time so no way to find out now ..😖

I stacked these good images anyway. Thanks for the feedback. Hopefully I'll have another chance soon.

Clear skies



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3 hours ago, Mike JW said:

Current position of Sirius B is PA 65 degrees (not due East) and a sep of 11.27". 

Hope that helps.


Agreed Mike, slightly less than due E at the moment. This is what it looks like with my 180 Mak.






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  • 2 weeks later...

I have tried to observe the pup for a number of years, all occasions seem to end the same way, namely that I think I've detected it but never with the absolute confidence I'd like. Sirius is very low from the north of the UK and most sessions have it like a disco ball in the eyepiece. Last month I did have much steadier seeing, and also very good transparency so I decided to stick a planetary cam on the scope, the zwo 385, and see if I could observe it on the laptop in the obsy. I first got rigel on the screen. Played around with the gain and exposure and it was sitting there on the screen just as I view it visually. Then over to sirius, a bit of a tinker with settings and the pup was there blinking away beside its overbearing partner. I sat and watched it a while contemplating just what I was observing, then it was cam out and in with an eyepiece. Though I was telling myself it was there, and on occasion chalking this up as a success, it still refused to let me see it in a way I'd feel satisfied. Next year Rodney... Next year.... 

Edited by skyhog
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