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PHD2 Guiding Error On One Axis


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Hello, I recently did 2 nights of imaging and the first night everything was fine, guiding seemed to be within normal ranges. But later in the night my guiding started to get worse and eventually I got an error saying that PHD could not make sufficient corrections to the DEC axis on my mount. I checked for cable snags or anything like that but I didn't find anything wrong. The normal RMS I usually get is .40-.60", but when I got the corrections error the RMS became 1-1.20". I decided to leave it and it seemed to be stable for that moment. The next day I decided to leave my telescope rig out in my yard so I don't have to re-polar align. 

The next night I start my telescope back up so I can get imaging right away. When I start guiding, it seemed ok at first. But once PHD made a single correction on the DEC axis, the whole axis lost control. The graph veered down (or up) and it seemed that it simply could not control that axis, and I got that same PHD error as the previous night. The temps were also at a pleasant 5-10 degrees Fahrenheit. 

I have tried everything to diagnose this problem. The mount can slew and track the sky perfectly fine. PHD calibration fails because the star doesn't move enough (probably because of the DEC axis not responding), reinstalling drivers did nothing, checking cables, trying new cables did nothing, and more. So the only guess I have now is that the temperature did something to my guiding, although I have read online that people haven't had any issues of operating at these temperatures. 

Any suggestions? See images for more details.


My current equipment I have: 

Skywatcher EQ6-R Pro

ZWO ASI 1600mm mono

ZWO ASI 290MM guidecam

Skywatcher Esprit 100 ED

ZWO 60mm guidescope

Intel NUC


Sequence generator pro



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Famous last words but I've had similar issues with my AZ-EQ6. Working on balance and "fiddling" with backlash seems to have made a difference but I also made sure I was getting decent power to the mount. I had a cheap adapter from Amazon running  everything but since I moved to a decent power supply from FLO I've not had the issues but as I said I tweaked other areas too.

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