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Do you donate to free software?


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Having had a good play with NINA last night I am suitably impressed enough to consider donating to the dev.  I happily pay for things like PixInsight, will cross Adobe's palm with silver etc and realised that I often just grab free software without thinking about the devs behind it, many of whom do a truly cracking job.

Anyone else donate to the devs?

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18 minutes ago, jjosefsen said:

I took the small patreon plan for NINA, so they get a little bit each month.

The amount if work put into that application and the community around it is pretty crazy.

Yeah I've gone for a £3p/m donation.  I would never be able to write anything like this so feel it worth supporting as these guys and girls give so much to the hobby...

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I've set up monthly patreon's for all the open source SW that I rely on, Siril, Telescopius & GIMP. Regular payments help the developers that help us get the most out of our hobby. Being active in their communities also helps, there's normally plenty of things that can be done outside of coding as well - documenting, testing beta builds, bug reporting, supporting new users on forums, etc.

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Not NINA which is good and I use but its dependant on PHD2 free, ASTAP free, ASCOM free, SKYMAPS free and just points and shoots. You can write scripts in ASTAP or ASTROART to do the same thing. 

I contribute elsewhere and buy outright I've owned ASTROART since version 3 for example. 

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4 minutes ago, StarryEyed said:

Not NINA which is good and I use but its dependant on PHD2 free, ASTAP free, ASCOM free, SKYMAPS free and just points and shoots. You can write scripts in ASTAP or ASTROART to do the same thing. 

I contribute elsewhere and buy outright I've owned ASTROART since version 3 for example. 

"just points and shoots" :D:D

But I get your point I think, there is also a lot of other free software that admittedly deserves some love and $$$ as well.

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