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Taking A Peep At Perseus And Puppis

Epick Crom

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Hi my fellow stargazers! Last night I decided to observe two constellations that start with "P", Perseus and Puppis! I really enjoyed both constellations and their objects within. All my observations were carried out using my beloved 10 inch dob:


M 34: This was my first time observing this open cluster. Its shape reminds me of a person standing. I also split the double star HD 16705 in the centre of this cluster.

HD 16772: An equal brightness double star next to 12 Persei. 

IC 348: A sparse open cluster near the star Atik (Omicron Persei). Slightly circular shape.

Algol: This was my first time positively identifying this famous variable star. Always a joy to catch a famous northern object!

Zeta Persei: A nice double star, two fainter stars are close by. A nice sight.


M 46: Nice open cluster. I was also able to identify the planetary nebula NGC 2438 within it. Two for the price of one👍

M 47: Big and bright open cluster. The outstanding feature of this view was a faint river of stars linking M 47 to nearby companion cluster NGC 2423. What a sight!

NGC 2477: This is one dense open cluster! Hundreds of faint stars could be seen, I estimate around 11th magnitude. This cluster reminded me of a sting ray as one end of this spectacular cluster tappers off to one side.

M93: Beautiful open cluster. What took my breath away though was a stream of stars close to M 93 which form an almost perfect"Y" shape. Ive never seen that asterism before and it took me by surprise how suggestive and artificial it looked. I just love coming across random asterisms in the night sky! Does anyone know about this asterism?

NGC 2467: This is an open star cluster imbedded in a nebula. The cluster was prominent, I just about detected hints of nebulosity surrounding the clusters stars using averted vision. My bleached skies don't help in that regard.

All up it was a great night. A lot of new sights for me, especially in Perseus. Wishing you all clear skies and keep looking up!


This is the asterism I saw near M93. Please check it out when you are in the area, it won't disappoint!

Edited by Epick Crom
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Excellent report Joe. One of my favourite clusters in Persei is the double cluster NGC884 and NGC 869 (full of different star colours). I am looking forward for the Pupis to come higher in our skies later in the season to observe some of the clusters you mentioned. Keep the reports coming since we seem to be under clouds for the foreseeable future 😭

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1 hour ago, Jiggy 67 said:

Great report Joe, be interesting to see if someone can come up with a name for that asterism…..or have you earned the right to name it?!? 😀🤞

Thanks Jiggy, I here by proclaim that this asterism be called "The Great Y" 😁

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57 minutes ago, Kon said:

Excellent report Joe. One of my favourite clusters in Persei is the double cluster NGC884 and NGC 869 (full of different star colours). I am looking forward for the Pupis to come higher in our skies later in the season to observe some of the clusters you mentioned. Keep the reports coming since we seem to be under clouds for the foreseeable future 😭

Thank you Kostas! I would love to have observed the Double Cluster, unfortunately I am restricted to the far southern regions of Perseus. In fact M 34 is my record for most northerly DSO observed I believe 🙂. The Double Cluster culminates right on my horizon 😥. I hope you get a break from those awful clouds soon🤞

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4 minutes ago, Jiggy 67 said:

I would suggest “The Epic Y”….gotta get your name in somewhere!

🤭 Now you talking! I like the sound of that Jiggy, this asterism shall now be known as "The Epick Y" ! Since you suggested it I will try to fit your name in there as well: " The Epick Jiggy Y". Let's hope we get the recognition for it from the IAU😅

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6 hours ago, wookie1965 said:

Thank you for posting as the weather has not been great here for over 12 weeks it's nice to read reports from someone has had a chance to get out. 

Some great objects there well done. 

Thanks @wookie1965. 12 weeks? That is brutal, I really hope you get clear skies soon mate🤞

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14 minutes ago, Voyager 3 said:

Fun aside , I really like your descriptions of those clusters . I wonder what will be your say when you get a chance to look at the double cluster ..

Thanks Voyager 3, I can only imagine what it must look like in real life. Have you observed the Double Cluster yet? It must be spectacular! 

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4 hours ago, Epick Crom said:

Thanks Voyager 3, I can only imagine what it must look like in real life. Have you observed the Double Cluster yet? It must be spectacular! 

I have .. but from my Bortle 8/9 I'm not really in a position to judge this spectacular cluster . This one's in my bucket list for a good dark sky session next . 

But even then when I found it , I shouted and called my sister which I normally won't do . I was the one who picked up her jaw from the floor .. It really looked terrific . This cluster also has a few orange and red giant studded in the foreground enhancing the cluster's already immense beauty . 


Edit : This cluster is also easy to find as it is very close to a line ½ the way from bright Miram ( Eta Per ) and Ruchbah ( Delta Cas ) . 

Edited by Voyager 3
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5 hours ago, Voyager 3 said:

I have .. but from my Bortle 8/9 I'm not really in a position to judge this spectacular cluster . This one's in my bucket list for a good dark sky session next . 

But even then when I found it , I shouted and called my sister which I normally won't do . I was the one who picked up her jaw from the floor .. It really looked terrific . This cluster also has a few orange and red giant studded in the foreground enhancing the cluster's already immense beauty . 


Edit : This cluster is also easy to find as it is very close to a line ½ the way from bright Miram ( Eta Per ) and Ruchbah ( Delta Cas ) . 

Thank you Voyager 3, the Double Cluster sure sounds beautiful even from your bottle 9 skies. Wishing you a happy and successful 2022 filled with lots of great astronomical views!

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