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Altair Hypercam 26M (MONO)


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Does anyone have hands on experience with the Altair 26M camera. (Please note I'm only interested to hear about the Altair version, not the ZWO, Rising Cam or others and only the Mono - not the colour version)


Thanks for any feedback you can provide.



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12 minutes ago, Adam J said:

You say you dont want to hear it but ill say it anyway. The rising cam is the same thing exactly and much cheaper.


Why would you do that?

The reason I said that is that those discussions have already been had over and over in other threads and I dont want this one to go that way with 3 pages people arguing it is or is not the same. I just want to hear if anyone has hands on experience with the Altair 26M

Edited by mackiedlm
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2 hours ago, mackiedlm said:

Why would you do that?

The reason I said that is that those discussions have already been had over and over in other threads and I dont want this one to go that way with 3 pages people arguing it is or is not the same. I just want to hear if anyone has hands on experience with the Altair 26M

Just trying to help and or save you money. Hence, I asked someone on astrobin who owns multiple branded cameras with the same chip for you. Look at the comments below the image.

https://www.astrobin.com/3fwody/?q=Altair Hypercam 26m

""I also have the qhy268m and use all 3 for capture. They are all great cameras. In terms of build quality the QHY feels like its made better and it has the most efficient cooler of the 3. If I could only have 1 and I had to rank them it would be QHY, Altair, ZWO. The Altair cooler is also a little more efficient than the ZWO.""

I highly doubt that you will find anyone on here with one, I dont recal ever seeing someone having posted an image from one, but I could be wrong.


Edited by Adam J
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15 minutes ago, Adam J said:

Just trying to help and or save you money. Hence, I asked someone on astrobin who owns multiple branded cameras with the same chip for you. Look at the comments below the image.

https://www.astrobin.com/3fwody/?q=Altair Hypercam 26m

""I also have the qhy268m and use all 3 for capture. They are all great cameras. In terms of build quality the QHY feels like its made better and it has the most efficient cooler of the 3. If I could only have 1 and I had to rank them it would be QHY, Altair, ZWO. The Altair cooler is also a little more efficient than the ZWO.""

I highly doubt that you will find anyone on here with one, I dont recal ever seeing someone having posted an image from one, but I could be wrong.


If I wanted to hear comparisons of the three thats the question I would have asked. If I wanted to save money thats what I would have asked. What I want is to hear if anyone has hands on experience with the Altair 26M, that therefore is the question I asked. If no one has that and I therefore get no feedback on hands on experience with the Altair 26 M then that itself answers the question.


I had already done the search on Astrobin and seen that image and a few others. I have done much research and digging and now what I want to know is how the Altair 26M performs in the hands of people who have one. Thats all.

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@Adam J It is true most are essentially the same OEM product manufactured by ToupTek but the ZWO model is NOT.

ZWO design their cameras in-house and manufacture them in their own factories. I think the same is true for the QHY model. 

Anyhow. Enough of that. The OP wants to hear from owners of the Altair 26M 🙂 

@mackiedlm If you struggle to find owners here then you will find some at Altair's Facebook group. I think the lady who promotes Altair products via her YouTube channel AstroStace is also a member there. 



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Thanks Steve @FLO


But, everyone, can I kindly request that this thread does not become another tit for tat about the relevant merits or otherwise of the various brands. If you must do that can you start another thread please.


Can we please keep this one on the topic of hands on experience with the Altair 26M. if there is none then thats fine too.


Thank you.


Edited by mackiedlm
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16 minutes ago, FLO said:

@Adam J It is true most are essentially the same OEM product manufactured by ToupTek but the ZWO model is NOT.

ZWO design their cameras in-house and manufacture them in their own factories. I think the same is true for the QHY model. 

Anyhow. Enough of that. The OP wants to hear from owners of the Altair 26M 🙂 

@mackiedlm If you struggle to find owners here then you will find some at Altair's Facebook group. I think the lady who promotes Altair products via her YouTube channel AstroStace is also a member there. 



Steve I did not say anything at all about ZWO I only said Altair = Rising Cam, fully aware ZWO make their own same for QHY. 

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4 hours ago, mackiedlm said:

Does anyone have hands on experience with the Altair 26M camera. (Please note I'm only interested to hear about the Altair version, not the ZWO, Rising Cam or others and only the Mono - not the colour version)

Please let's respect the OP's wishes and discuss only the Altair 26M. 

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Just had a skim through their FB page and could only find one person that's posted example pics of the 26M. The colour version is much more popular. Stacey tries out Altair cameras on her YouTube channel so it might be worth sending her a PM on the other forum and see if she's had hands on experience with it. 

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Not really an experience of the cam itself, but I considered buying altair but decided to go with qhy because I found they are unable to provide basic info about their camera when asked. 

For example, they were confused why I would need drivers that work on raspberry pi. 

Also asked altair some question about their 115EDT, their answers were patchy and inconsistent. Almost like they don't know basic info of the products they are selling. 

Edited by rsarwar
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