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M45 Pleiades - to crop or not?


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I'm going to pay for this but starting in October for three months running at or around new moon I had clear skies!  Last time on 6th December for one night only I returned to that seasonal favourite Pleiades with the objective of teasing out more details of those delightful wispy intersetaller clouds through which M45 is passing.  Armed with new Chroma filters acquired last Christmas, better guiding courtesy of the new PHD2 multi-star facility and having shifted to PixInsight for most of my processing over the past 18-months, I'm very pleased with the outcome - certainly it's much better than my previous attempts and, I think, does justice to those exciting clouds.

Using a William Optics GT81 and ZWO 1600MM-Cool I generally like to crop lightly just to tidy up things and only more agressively if it's needed on those smaller objects which this equipment otherwise struggles with.  However, this time I'm wondering if the better image isn't a 60% crop thus producing greater impact - any thoughts?

12 x 300 sec LRGB = 4hours


M45 LRGB2 FINALXXPS (Large).png


Edited by groberts
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