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NGC 3184 (Little Pinwheel) and μ UMa


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NGC 3184 (Little Pinwheel) and μ UMa imaged last week.

190 x 120 s exposures with the Hypergraph 6 on the iOptron GEM45.

ASI2600 MC at -10C, Gain 100.

78% moon, but silver linings - I could see the USB port on the mount rather than feeling for it!

Captured with Sharpcap 4 sequencer and processed with APP and PS (CS 5)

μ UMa came out with the 'classic' ring flare, and I really like it. 


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1 hour ago, Marvin Jenkins said:

So do I. I have always thought those prominent bright stars should look exactly that.

Interesting isnt it. I was surprised when I saw it. I'm imaging M45 at the moment, and gathering a lot of subs here and there. I wonder will they also stack with this effect. 

1 hour ago, tomato said:

That’s a really nice image, your OSC setup has captured both great colour and detail.

Thanks. The color did come through even though the moon was a lightbulb and shooting through a few air masses, but its a nice target even at 420 mm and ~1.85"/px.

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