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Galaxies and asterism


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This is my latest project, galaxies and an asterism in Triangulum. The most prominent galaxies are ngc 672 and ic 1727. At the top even edge on galaxy ngc 684. Near the bottom, what looks like an open cluster is actually "just" an asterism; Collinder 21, with just above it galaxy ic 1731.

And for the "Easter Egg", right next to ic 1731 is an actual cluster, albeit made up of galaxies rather than stars: [RRB2014] RM J015034.2+271226.1 at roughly 3 billion light years.

The data was collected during last week. 200 minutes per channel RGB (10 hrs in total), with my SkyWatcher 190MN and ASI294MM. I had collected luminance, but the quality didn't match the colour information (lack of matching flats), so this is just the RGB data.

I extracted L*a*b components in the linear image and deconvoluted the L. Then I combined the L with the colour data and processed as an RGB image.


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45 minutes ago, ONIKKINEN said:

Looks great, i always like seeing less common galaxies.

Is the galaxy cluster at the bottom left of IC 1727? Looks like there is something very faint.


I think it is a galaxy cluster, but I couldn't find a reference in Simbad about it. In Aladin (SDSS sky survey), there definitely are some galaxies there.

Maybe Nasa's database would give a hit, but I haven't learned to navigate that yet.

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4 minutes ago, tooth_dr said:

That is really something, thanks for sharing something completely new.

Thanks. I have several more obscure objects in the works/planned. But they are a bit closer to home. If the weather plays nice, you will see the results on this forum in a not too distant future.

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20 minutes ago, wimvb said:


The MN190 sings. I just open the roof every clear night.

So here is the million dollar question......well, now that I look I do not see a refractor in your signature.  For some reason I thought you had a largish refractor .  If not, the question won't have as much meaning probably as you may not be a refractort person.  But, in case I am wrong--the question is if you had to chooose between the MN 190 and a large premium refractor, would you go with the MN 190?  A corrillary question, then if you say "MN 190" would be....would you sell the refractor to get a MN 190? (or a MN 190, a new camera, new filter wheel, and new filters)

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6 hours ago, Rodd said:

So here is the million dollar question......well, now that I look I do not see a refractor in your signature.  For some reason I thought you had a largish refractor .  If not, the question won't have as much meaning probably as you may not be a refractort person.  But, in case I am wrong--the question is if you had to chooose between the MN 190 and a large premium refractor, would you go with the MN 190?  A corrillary question, then if you say "MN 190" would be....would you sell the refractor to get a MN 190? (or a MN 190, a new camera, new filter wheel, and new filters)

I do have a small Teleskop Service refractor with built in corrector/flattener. Bought it last spring and have hardly used it. I wouldn't mind a good quality refractor, and if I now win that million dollars, I will probably get one :grin:

The MN190 can deliver refractor quality images for a substantially lower price, and still have a decent speed (f/5.3). When I was in the market for a new telescope, I did consider the then new Skywatcher Evostar 120 ED, but decided against it. The MN190 has more aperture for money. Esprit was  and still is out of my league, but maybe in the future I will get a large refractor. They are easy to use. But for now, I'm happy with the MakNewt.

Edited by wimvb
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