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Should we change our order? 8" Bresser dob

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Hi all,

Bought a Bresser 8" Dob last year, sadly yet to turn up but we do have the option of switching to the Stellalyra for a similar price. Our current plan is to get whichever one comes back in stock first, but now might be our only chance to switch to an alternative. 

It would be incredibly helpful to see where people store their dobs, and how big/bulky they are compared to everyday objects.



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I assume you mean the f6 Stellalyra (not the f8).

The Stellalyra is getting good reviews and is well equipped - dual speed focuser, decent RACI, fan, adjustable altitude axis position......

The Bresser has the unusual ability to rotate the OTA in the frame, but apart from that is a bit mediocre.

So for me - switch

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The Stella Lyra version of the GSO comes with an 8x50 RACI finder that'll be more comfortable than the 6x30 straight through finder on the Bresser.  This is a big plus for the Stella Lyra.

There are other small differences, but most Dob owners modify their scopes over the years.  However, unless you build your own, replacing a Dobsonian mount is an expensive option.  Your mount is therefore likely to be with you for a long time, if not forever.  And IMHO, given similar quality optics, the mount is the most important part of a Dobsonian.  

Having compared another version of the GSO and the Bresser side by side, my choice would be the Bresser because I found the mounting smoother thanks to the large altitude rings.  There's also a greater range of adjustment to balance the tube when adding accessories.

FLO's website suggests 30-40 days lead time for the Stella Lyra, 40-60 days for the Bresser.  Personally, I'd wait the extra 10-20 days for the Bresser, but both are very good choices.

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hi owen, i use a sky watcher 200p ota on a home made dob mount. i weighed the scope and mount yesterday both were 12kg each and live in the corner of the living room getting lovingly caressed because with wind and snow i cant get looking through it. lol.

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4 minutes ago, Mr Spock said:

Here's how I store my 250mm. Standard shed door size for scale.



Are the collimation screws not protruding out the bottom, or is your OTA standing on something? I think if I did this with mine, it would knock the collimation out or damage the screws.

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6 minutes ago, Orange Smartie said:

Are the collimation screws not protruding out the bottom, or is your OTA standing on something?

The screws are inside the metal mirror frame. It's also resting on some pieces of wood to keep it off the shed base which could get damp.

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Thank you all for your replies!

The main thing I am worried about is if I have gone too big! Both 'scopes would be a a massive step up from what I'm currently using, but the StellaLyra is my preference (my main deciding factor is which is back in stock first- The due date has slipped many times for the Bresser!). I am worried that a lot of people seem surprised by the size of their dobs when they arrive. I definitely want to be able to carry it out to the garden on my own! Now might be my last chance to change my mind and go for something smaller..... or not!



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To give you a bit of a feel for how it works for me, I have quite a bad back and have to be careful about how much I can lift. However, as yet I've not had an issue with mine. I remove the OTA and place it on the sofa. I take the base out and come back for the OTA. I find it helpful to slightly tighten the screws that adjust the OTA tension on the base or they spin round when I'm trying to drop it into place. Otherwise it's not difficult. 

For the 10 inch, I think OTA is about 16kg and the base slightly less. 

I do have an awkward carry (low ceilings, narrow doors, steps blah blah), but so far, no issues.

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As the owner and user of the 8” Stella Lyra Dobsonian I am extremely pleased with this scope. Taking it outside is easy enough once you split it up into the OTA and base. As for your choice ,I would definitely stick with the Dobsonian ,and as to which one ? I’m going to point you in the direction of the Stella Lyra (slight bias perhaps). Whichever one you choose, enjoy.

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My first 'proper' scope was an 8" newt on EQ5. Not too big at all.
One journey outside with the mount, second with the tube.
For away from home, I used to transport with tube on the car back seat and tripod/mount in the boot.
8" (200mm in modern units) is a good size.

Until earlier this year I owned a SW250 dob. Flextube type. Still quite handleable in two parts.
Though I built a wheeled trolley to go assembled between storage and use more easily.

Recently I bought a 12" dob. Now that is really going up on the weighty and bulky item scale.

So, in my view, with a 200mm mirror scope, you have not fallen into a size trap.
Unless you weigh 50Kg, have a bad back and live in a 4th floor flat🤔

A scope of this size is worth the wait.
This is where access to the SGL for sale section comes in.
You could probably have picked up a good used scope months ago - and got a free driving/setup/collimation lesson from the seller.


Edited by Carbon Brush
typos and the like
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3 hours ago, OptymsticAlpaca said:

Our current plan is to get whichever one comes back in stock first

Given the current state of affairs this is a good plan unless you find yourself particularly drawn to one of the brands over the other. Personally, as an owner of an 8" Bresser, I would buy another over the Skywatcher or Stellalyra (GSO) offerings based on the larger altitude bearings, the mirror cell and the focuser.

39 minutes ago, OptymsticAlpaca said:

I definitely want to be able to carry it out to the garden on my own!

I can carry my 8" Bresser from the shed into the garden in one piece (base + OTA) because the two holes on the sides of the rocker box make nice handles to lift the whole setup. The Stellalyra only has a single handle on the front of the base, which is fine for carrying the base by itself. If you add a pair of handles to the sides of the base I am sure it could be lifted as one piece like the Bresser. If you have any stairs or quite uneven ground to traverse you will probably want to carry the OTA and base separately even though the weight is manageable (for me at least). In this case, again the Bresser is easier to carry out of the box as you can use the altitude bearings as handles, although a central handle over the centre of gravity would probably be easier for both scopes.

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When I was comparing scopes I found I could handle one size bigger with the Bresser compared with other makes.  This was due to being able to carry the tube by the altitude bearings as has been mentioned above.

I almost bought the 8 inch Bresser, but in the end went for an upmarket second-hand OOUK.  This has an even smoother mount than the Bresser,  that's also lighter as it's aluminium.

I have an heriterary muscle condition.  On bad days I've struggled to pick up a mug of tea.  On good days I'm almost normal.  Then I can pick up the tube of my 8 inch OOUK in one hand, and the mount in the other (it's been fitted with 2 handles).  So I don't think an able-bodied person would have a problem doing the same with the Bresser.

Edited by Second Time Around
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