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FC-100DC - My first light


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2 hours ago, UKDiver said:

Thank you for the recommendation and reasoning, not that understood all the technical elements. That will come.

I've also been recommended the Baader 8-24 Zoom, I assume for wider views. If such tools are so useful, what are the tradeoffs with respect to fixed FL eyepieces?


Ive heard its a good eyepiece.

Many zooms change the fov when zooming, including my Zeiss zoom and Leica.

After blowing wads of cash trying things out I'm in the camp of "buy once, cry once". That TV zoom also occupies a place that will never be disturbed.

BTW, it was Johns excellent review of the BCO series to try them- and the 10mm is a gem IMHO.

Edited by jetstream
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57 minutes ago, UKDiver said:

Thank you for the recommendation and reasoning, not that understood all the technical elements. That will come.

I've also been recommended the Baader 8-24 Zoom, I assume for wider views. If such tools are so useful, what are the tradeoffs with respect to fixed FL eyepieces?


The Tele Vue Nagler zooms are in a different class to the Baader - they really do rival specialist fixed focal length high power eyepieces and maintain a constant 50 degree field of view across their zoom range. I use the (discontinued) Nagler 2mm-4mm zoom frequently with my Takahashi and other refractors.

The Baader is probably one of the best of the mid-range zooms but, for me, does not quite perform as well as decent fixed focal length eyepieces. Having the zoom facility is useful though and it's good to have one in the eyepiece case but personally I would not want to rely entirely on a zoom for mid-range focal lengths. 



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59 minutes ago, John said:

The Tele Vue Nagler zooms are in a different class to the Baader - they really do rival specialist fixed focal length high power eyepieces and maintain a constant 50 degree field of view across their zoom range. I use the (discontinued) Nagler 2mm-4mm zoom frequently with my Takahashi and other refractors.

The Baader is probably one of the best of the mid-range zooms but, for me, does not quite perform as well as decent fixed focal length eyepieces. Having the zoom facility is useful though and it's good to have one in the eyepiece case but personally I would not want to rely entirely on a zoom for mid-range focal lengths.

Thank you John, I will also consider the Nagler zoom. Tele Vue certainly make some 'interestingly' priced EPs. I find it hard to imagine spending that much to get suitable range. Are the lenses polished on the sweaty things of Cuban cigar rollers or something? :)

I guess these are the kind of things that rarely come up second hand if they're so good. Not being able to try before buying is frustrating me a little. I guess this is usually easier when societies can meet without health concerns. 

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36 minutes ago, Mr Spock said:

Super scope. Needs high quality eyepieces to get the best out of it. Zooms can be convenient but wouldn't live up to the quality of the scope.

I know there may be compromises Michael, but I don't know enough about EPs to ask the right questions. Deciding on the scope was relatively easy in comparison and I'd already made a cock-up on that front.

Is there a good description anywhere of the types/pros/cons anywhere? I suspect not too easy as much of this topic is subjective.

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4 minutes ago, UKDiver said:

I know there may be compromises Michael, but I don't know enough about EPs to ask the right questions. Deciding on the scope was relatively easy in comparison and I'd already made a cock-up on that front.

Is there a good description anywhere of the types/pros/cons anywhere? I suspect not too easy as much of this topic is subjective.

In the mean time grab a 10BCO/barlow and enjoy observing :grin:

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13 minutes ago, UKDiver said:

Is there a good description anywhere of the types/pros/cons anywhere? I suspect not too easy as much of this topic is subjective.

Approaching the topic of eyepieces is like Alice in Wonderland falling down a bottomless rabbit hole. There are so many options, types and brands it will rapidly get you twisted around. I'd suggest reading the eyepieces forum and picking up knowledge from there.

Meanwhile don't buy anything on spec - take your time and absorb as much information as possible.

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11 minutes ago, Mr Spock said:

Approaching the topic of eyepieces is like Alice in Wonderland falling down a bottomless rabbit hole. There are so many options, types and brands it will rapidly get you twisted around. I'd suggest reading the eyepieces forum and picking up knowledge from there.

Meanwhile don't buy anything on spec - take your time and absorb as much information as possible.

Definitely what I'm trying to do while I let everyone rip the Mick out of me for using stock plossls. ;)

I'd probably commit to new kit if I could only try first, especially if I could compare makes/variants. Apart from that, I'll keep an eye on the second hand market.

Perhaps some elimination for a start - what to avoid? I'm reasonably happy to spend on lenses that are equal to the scope, I do realise there's little point having it if I'm going to look through glass detrimental to the view.

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5 minutes ago, UKDiver said:

I'd probably commit to new kit if I could only try first, espcially if I could compare makes/variants.....

A great idea, if you can. Eyepieces are such a personal choice. What really works well for one person might prove not so suitable for another.

It's take me years and plenty of experimenting to come up with choices which I feel suit me and my scopes optimally :rolleyes2:


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1 hour ago, IB20 said:

There’s a £28 10mm BCO in the classifieds right now. I’ve just been out with mine looking at the Great Red Spot, I can’t praise it highly enough.

Franklin's? Already sold between your post and mine.

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1 hour ago, IB20 said:

There’s a £28 10mm BCO in the classifieds right now. I’ve just been out with mine looking at the Great Red Spot, I can’t praise it highly enough.

When you consider that the BCO 10mm was placed somewhere between the Delos 10mm and Zeiss ZAO ortho 10mm in the very top tier for deep sky observing by some leading very large scope / dark sky observers in the USA a couple of years back, that's a considerable bargain I reckon :icon_biggrin:

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59 minutes ago, Mr Spock said:

A good price - not surprised it went fast!

I had seen it, but not properly understood what it was. The ignorance and procrastination factors again.

As with most useful experience and knowledge, it is paid for somewhere along the line. :)

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2 hours ago, UKDiver said:

Franklin's? Already sold between your post and mine.


2 hours ago, Mr Spock said:

A good price - not surprised it went fast!

Ahem...sorry guys 😉  😈

Edited by callisto
change wording
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  • 3 weeks later...

Getting there. Had a fine view of Saturn tonight, first time I've seen the ring through my own eyes. Jupiter was not so great, there was some wispy cloud around, but it never seemed to affect Saturn.

Then for something a little more challenging. M31. Failed to find it a couple of nights ago, so read up again on the star hopping. Success, even if it was a grey smudge. Then off to Pleiades  for a few minutes, then back to M31 to hopefully prove it was not a fluke. It wasn't, but it was hard on the back as the scope was nearing vertical.

I've managed to get hold of the Svbony 8-24 zoom plus a few other makes/models/sizes to try, not enough time tonight though. Plus a Pentax on order. Need to think about the Nagler 3-6 zoom too. Plastic taking a bashing at the moment. :D

A good evening for me. 

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