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Sh2-240 in Ha


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This is 16 x 10 mins with a SY135 at F2.8 with a Moravian G2-8300 CCD and 7nm Ha Baader filter. I am trying to collect some OIII to go with it but as well as the clouds the moon is again not far away and getting more intrusive.

In B&W this nebula always reminds me of those eerie 1950's ultra high speed photos of the A bomb tests. I suppose the processes that are captured in  these images are not too dissimilar, although the scale in terms of size and time are rather different.





Edited by tomato
correct image inserted
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23 minutes ago, Allinthehead said:

Very nice, I've wanted to image this region for a quite a while. Envious of your FOV.

Thanks for the comment. This is indeed a big target, I’m trying to do a two panel  mosaic with the RASA8/268c but it really needs four to do it justice. 

I don’t usually do widefield, but I really like the Samyang lens, they are great value for money.

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