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Uranus (04/11/2021)


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It is not much to look at but it is first for me capturing Uranus, a day before its opposition. Normally, it would be Jupiter or Saturn but both have marched over roofs of nearby housing now.

Captured using SW SkyMax127; EQ5 mount; 2.5x Televue Powermate; ZWO ASI224MC with IR-cut filter via ASICap. Conditions were not favourable, sporadic high cloud and poor seeing under Bortle 6 skies plus the night of the 5th was overcast. The challenge was getting the target on the chip and identifying the planet. Oddly, defocusing on the target revealed Uranus's blue green tint which helped. Perhaps should have reduced the area of interest too with hindsight but I think it is a half decent result for a first time and something to improve upon.

Capture Area Size = 1304x976
Capture Limit = 60s
Colour Format = RAW8
Exposure = 70.41ms
Gain = 500

Stacked via AS!3, best 10% of frames, sharpened in Registax 6.

First JPG is a median stack of 15 AVIs processed in Photoshop, the other is just a single stack straight out of Registax 6..

Thanks for looking.



Edited by rob_r
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