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Sh2-124 in Cygnus


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The moon is out so time to put the IDAS NBZ filters (dual-band Ha+Oiii) on the dual-RASA rig.

Sh2-124 is a rather dim nebula emitting Ha and some Oiii. As Peter Maasewerd (pete_XL) spotted in his version of Sh2-124 on Astrobin there is at one o'clock a very dim (21.36 mag/arcsec2) planetary nebula, LDû 1 (PN G0945+00.8a), which was discovered in 2011 by the French amateur astronomer Pascal Le Dû.

So, 2xRASA8 with ASI2600MC (gain 100, offset 30. -10°C) on Mesu 200. 155 x 5 min  = 12.9 hours.

Cheers, Göran

20211016-17 Sh2-124 RASA1+2PS30smallSign.jpg

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1 hour ago, alan potts said:

Outstanding as usual Goran. I tried this a couple of years back and at 4 hours (F7) basically got nothing, so gave up.


Thanks a lot Alan! My previous attempt with 12 hours from my Esprit 150 (f/7) was a rather frustrating exercise in stretching and noise reduction. Never pleased with it but I did get something thanks to my dark sky here.


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Another excellent image. When looking at your targets for inspiration I now have to remember that you can capture subs twice as fast as my setup, but I’m still going to try and combine the RASA and SY135 output as the next best option.

Might get a session here over the next couple of nights albeit with the full moon.

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2 hours ago, gorann said:

Thanks a lot Alan! My previous attempt with 12 hours from my Esprit 150 (f/7) was a rather frustrating exercise in stretching and noise reduction. Never pleased with it but I did get something thanks to my dark sky here.


Maybe I mislead you, I did get the bright part and a hint of the fainter stuff but 4 hours is a lot for me, that normally my top end, then I get bored. I have wonderful sky here and it is close to overhead.


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2 hours ago, tomato said:

Another excellent image. When looking at your targets for inspiration I now have to remember that you can capture subs twice as fast as my setup, but I’m still going to try and combine the RASA and SY135 output as the next best option.

Might get a session here over the next couple of nights albeit with the full moon.

Thanks a lot! I should for the next clear night (when that will happen is currently unclear) put my SY135 as piggyback on the RASAs. I bought an old Canon FD 200mm f/2.8 (from the film-roll-era) on ebay for about 100 GBP this summer and managed to make a T2 adapter for it. I put it on as piggy back with great enthusiasm as I assumed it would make a fantastic wide field addition since it is presumably a professional  70mm apo flat-field lens. But stars looked terrible 😣 and I kind of lost interest in the whole idea. But I do have the SY135 that should do the job, and at least tell me what my RASAs are missing outside their FOV.

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Just now, alan potts said:

Maybe I mislead you, I did get the bright part and a hint of the fainter stuff but 4 hours is a lot for me, that normally my top end, then I get bored. I have wonderful sky here and it is close to overhead.


Then I assume you cannot leave the suff and go to bed like I do. I would also get bored looking at a scope for 4 hours 😉

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37 minutes ago, gorann said:

Then I assume you cannot leave the suff and go to bed like I do. I would also get bored looking at a scope for 4 hours 😉

I could without a problem here, very few about in the village and no one bothers me. You have to be careful of fog especially this time of year. I rather like sitting out with the scope a couple of hours or an hour, depends what I am targeting. I can view it from inside the house too which is about 40 meters away. I dare say it wouldn't take much to make it completely automatic with the roof sliding back in poor weather, but I don't try to be up there with your superb skills but always take inspiration from the likes of you Olly and a few others   


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