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New to me TSA 102

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I took the plunge and purchased the Takahashi 102 from @dweller25 that was recently advertised on sale here. It is in immaculate condition. Below are a couple of photos of the telescope on my G11 mount. It looks like it's going to be clear tonight so will try it out on Jupiter, and may even try to get some images - I've not done any planetary imaging since about 2005! Ignore the garden hose in the background. Also, I need to apologize to the Takahashi afficionados on here, as I have a WO diagonal fitted to the scope.



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Congratulation! oh you mean like the exact same WO diagonal I have on mine which I am looking to change? lol, congratulations again! 

I need to make a handle just like that one, I like it! I must add, I have tried my friends TV diagonal and did notice a difference right away, my WO diagonal is introducing 

a simulated atmospheric diffraction effect which is why it must go.

Edited by Sunshine
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4 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

Congratulation! oh you mean like the exact same WO diagonal I have on mine which I am looking to change? lol, congratulations again! 

I need to make a handle just like that one, I like it!

I have to thank the previous owner for the handle! I think it is a door or cupboard handle, but it's a really good idea if you have the William Optics tube rings, and get a handle which is the right size.

Edited by iantaylor2uk
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12 minutes ago, iantaylor2uk said:

I have to thank the previous owner for the handle! I think it is a door or cupboard handle, but it's a really good idea if you have the William Optics tube rings, and get a handle which is the right size.

Awfully excited for you, can't wait for your first light, regardless of the minor hitch with my diagonal which is not on every object, the views are stunning! cant wait for your first light, I'll be staring at my computer till then 🤣

The quality of your images really do it justice.

Edited by Sunshine
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I use my WO in my TAK with  30mm widefield and its great for low power but recently I have been going straight through on Jupiter as it low in the  sky which at high power when the sky settles is notably sharper. 

Congrats on your TSA thats a handsome telescope. 

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2 hours ago, iantaylor2uk said:

I have to thank the previous owner for the handle! I think it is a door or cupboard handle, but it's a really good idea if you have the William Optics tube rings, and get a handle which is the right size.

Well that handle is certainly top drawer, Ian.

There are nearly as many handle admirers on here as Tak.

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16 minutes ago, JeremyS said:

Well that handle is certainly top drawer, Ian.

There are nearly as many handle admirers on here as Tak.

In my vain attempts at making a handle I have thrown away $30 buying materials that didn’t work out, it’s a struggle making a handle that doesn’t look like an eye sore. Nothing less than something polished and aluminum colored will do, for me.

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4 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

In my vain attempts at making a handle I have thrown away $30 buying materials that didn’t work out, it’s a struggle making a handle that doesn’t look like an eye sore. Nothing less than something polished and aluminum colored will do, for me.

Must be something in John Handleby’s WDS catalogue that is suitable https://www.wdscomponents.com/en-gb/machine-hardware/handles/c-277

Perhaps @johninderby knows.

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Congratulations and clear skies to you!

My TSA is my best corrected and sharpest scope, although I enjoy the increased aperture of the TEC which now gets the most use.

The 102 also makes a cracking solar scope (both white light) as well as Ha viewing (and imaging) with a Quark.

And like Jeremy, I also recommend the BBHS diagonal... or the TV Everbright - use both.

I also found the addition of the MEF-3 micro focuser nice. Perhaps the FeatherTouch micro-pinion may have been an even better option...? Folks may say it isn't required at f/8, but I liked that extra finesse it gave....

Perhaps some things to mull over, research once you are more familiar with your new toy!


Edited by TakMan
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4 hours ago, JeremyS said:

Welcome to the wonderful world of Takahashi, Ian.

You now own what is probably the finest 4-inch refractor ever made.

But you do need to get a Baader BBHS diagonal 😊

BBHS mirror diagonal, the TSA-102 scope is well figured so the prism will over correct the scope.

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I also forgot to mention Ian, that if you are intending to use your new Tak on the GEM, then I would consider the CAA for it to easily and safely adjust the diagonal. I have found this useful both when the scope is mounted on a GEM or alt/az mount.

Lastly, a quick release for the finder aids easy storage. FLO stock the ADM one. I had the original BTTechnologies version, which although works, I found a bit notchy. The Tak one is much nicer… but is more than twice the price!

I’ll leave spending your money there - enjoy the scope!


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Enjoying the scope greatly - although it's been pretty cloudy in the UK since I bought it. Had some good views of Jupiter at around 200x but it was quite low in the sky and seeing wasn't great, but could still make out some detail on Jupiter and a wider field lower magnification view with all the moons was very impressive. Also have had a look at the moon too and that was very sharp and I could go to high magnifications easily. Not yet done much in the way of DSOs or globular clusters, although I imagine I'll have a look at the Orion Nebula through it once it starts coming into view at a reasonable time.  

Have not managed to do any imaging yet as I've had to order an extension tube so my OSC camera can come to focus. (there was an 1.25" extension tube with the scope but I need a 2" one for my camera) which should be arriving today.   

It's been working fine visually using a diagonal. 

At the end of the month the clocks will change so it will be darker much earlier in the UK, and I'm hoping to use it a lot more then. 

Thanks for asking.

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