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Bresser AR127

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The Bresser 127L is a very  popular scope. Good optics and a great focuser. Had one and really liked it although now replaced by a 125mm  APO.

The OTA is better built with better optics than the equivalent Skywatcher scopes. Be careful when searching for reviews though as the scope was updated recently and older reviews may be for the old version. The new version has the hexafoc focuser which is really good.

Not used the Exos mount though so can’t comnent on it.


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The Bresser 5" refractor is a fine instrument. Bit of a beast size wise. It's on the limit of the Exos mount but ok for visual. Super planetary scope, not much CA. I had one years ago and really liked it but have got a 4"ED now. Smaller and lighter. Price is reasonable if in good condition and it's the newer version with the Hex focuser. If the drive is the Goto then it's a bargain. 

Edited by Franklin
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No experience of the AR127,but I have an AR102s which is a nicely made refractor for a cheap achro. and at 600mm focal length mine is a decent, enjoyable widefield grab & go . As johninderby says, the new hexafoc focuser is pretty good . You don't mention which model it is, the 'scopes come in different lengths ( the 102 has xs, s and l , a quick look at FLO website suggests the 127 may have just 2 versions) , I went for the 's' model because I wanted something light and portable which would go on a nice simple altaz (also light & portable). The longer 'L' model would have been better from the point of view of chromatic  aberration , which I do find obtrusive at planetary type magnifications in the 'S'. Fortunately that wasn't what  I bought it for though .

Check it has the newer hexafoc , be sure if it's the model you want ( the AR127L is focal length 1200, the AR127s is 635mm focal length ) , obviously the length of the 'L' will reduce CA and increase magnification with any given eyepiece,  but increase unwieldyness of the tube .

Negative points for the AR series : the stock viewfinder is horrid, and the shoe is non standard, so unless it's already been replaced you'll probably want to do that . Ask if the one on offer has the fine focus upgrade too, it is an extra which costs £75 , I manage OK without , but having one included would be nice ...

I've no idea about the mount, so no comment there 🙂



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55 minutes ago, bish789 said:



That's the 4 element Petzval. If it's anything like its big brother, the 152s, you're in for a pleasant surprise:)

The f10 objective lens is converted to f5 by the second doublet giving a nice flat field and colour correction.


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So might be a potential purchase.

It has the Bresser go-to system which I believe is based on the Meade system.

It does appear to be a good deal, but looks like it is the older unit and doesn't have the Hexafoc.

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16 minutes ago, bish789 said:

Messaged the seller and reply is

It's a Bresser Messier AR-127S/635 EXOS-2/EQ5 Telescope Scope size is 6inch with 26mm Super Plössl eyepiece with extra lenses

Okaay, , so 127mm is 5", not 6 " which suggests the seller is not very knowledgeable. The plossl they mention is the one which comes with the 'scope, S is the shorter tube, shorter focal length, so nice for widefield .

Somewhat heavier than my one hand carry 102s+az6+photo tripod's 8kg ish though !  This is a substantial 16kg mount and 7.7kg 'scope

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It does look like a bit of a beast.

Definitely the older model, which I presume will be the same one as in alacants' post, and camera looks tiny fixed to it, so this would definitely be an astrophotography platform.

Could use the 130 on it as well

I'm still sat on the fence with this.

Is this one of those too good to be true moments which turns out to be exactly that?

Only way to find out is to go and see it, which is a 3 hour round trip.

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Alacant's picture has the Hexafoc focuser, too. It looks different to Johninderby's because it has the extension tube fitted. I assume John didn't need it since he was using a solar filter/diagonal.

Ask the seller to take a picture. Always recommended anyway, to make sure it's not a scam.

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4 hours ago, bish789 said:

older model, which I presume will be the same one as in alacants' post

No. that's the newer model with the hexagon-thingy focuser. 

If the one for sale has a 2" focuser, diagonal and eyepiece I'd say go for it. 

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Well, if he is willing to bring it over, he is obviously keen to sell it ... which might mean you can get the price down a little :evil4:

I thought it might help to see the hex bit that distinguished the hexafoc from the previous focuser, so as my 102s was out for a little solar peek earlier today I took a photo to make the hexa bit clear, you  can see the flat facet on the part of the tube which also has the scale on it.



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2 hours ago, bish789 said:

Guy wants to bring it to me, and has all of the accessories.

Mount itself no problem, just want to make sure the goto works

This is it




That's a Hexafoc focuser. But make sure he has the extension piece, as it's not there in that photo. See Heather's photo for the extension piece:


With the focuser racked all the way in, it would still be visible.

If he doesn't have it, you can get them aftermarket.


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1 minute ago, Pixies said:

That's a Hexafoc focuser. But make sure he has the extension piece, as it's not there in that photo. See Heather's photo for the extension piece:


With the focuser racked all the way in, it would still be visible.

If he doesn't have it, you can get them aftermarket.


Yep, mine came with two slightly different length extension tubes, I think the longer one stayed in the packaging ... in contrast to the generally well made feel of the 'scope, both tubes seemed to have rather rough threads on them, I was initially worried I'd cross threaded it as I screwed it on it was so crunchy , not a lovely bit of engineering ...

It does look like an unused extension in the accessory photo. There also seems to be the stock Bresser plossl, a 40mm plossl , and is that a cheap barlow ? And two of the plastic beer mat sized planispheres , so tiny ! Has anyone ever actually found it useful I wonder ?

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£1k telescope outfit for £500. Looks new, so it's a good deal, as long as the goto all works and the optics haven't been coloured in with felt-tip pen by some toddler!😄

Don't see the tripod spreader plate in the pics?

Widefield views of star clusters will be amazing through that thing.

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