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Is it worth downgrading?

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Hi all, I've got an Skywatcher 200p with an EQ5-Pro Goto Mount, it's a great telescope and all that......


It is a bit cumbersome and heavy to constantly break down, move and then set back up again if I want to view something, then to do the same when putting it back indoors.

Would it be worth selling it on and getting a smaller scope (recommendations welcome) - looking on places like Ebay they seem to be going for more than I originally paid for it 🤔 

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If you're finding it a real chore to set up and break down and it's getting in the way of your observing then it's definitely worth changing for something more convenient that you're more likely to use on a regular basis.

There are a lot of smaller options you could get instead but the best choice would depend on what you like to observe and how big a scope setup you would prefer to have. If you like the Moon and planets then something like a Maksutov might suit you perfectly although it's not the best choice if you prefer wide field views of DSOs.

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If it's too cumbersome, presumably that means you don't use it as much as you'd like. Not being smug but you have answered your own question, yes sell it on and find something more suited to your needs. As for what, what do you like to use a scope for? Answer that and I'm sure the suggestions will be forthcoming...

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    why dont you keep the mount constantly situated  just remove the OTA  when  you are finished for the night and cover the mount  with a waterproof neoprene cover?    they are heavy i know and the constantly breaking down and erecting them  does create some back breaking work.   I have my 127 slt mount tripod fixed north and screwed to the slabs with plates screwed to the legs I  just remove the fork arm along  with  the OTA & cables  when i am finished for the night and cover the tripod with a BBQ cover .   the EQ mounts weigh a ton so i know what you mean.

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1 hour ago, EdG said:

Hi all, I've got an Skywatcher 200p with an EQ5-Pro Goto Mount, it's a great telescope and all that......


It is a bit cumbersome and heavy to constantly break down, move and then set back up again if I want to view something, then to do the same when putting it back indoors.

Would it be worth selling it on and getting a smaller scope (recommendations welcome) - looking on places like Ebay they seem to be going for more than I originally paid for it 🤔 

There was a similar thread recently on the same subject. Your predicament isn't unusual. Downsizing isn't downgrading.  😀

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19 minutes ago, boulderbelly said:

    why dont you keep the mount constantly situated  just remove the OTA  when  you are finished for the night and cover the mount  with a waterproof neoprene cover?

My dog would likely use it as target practice 🤣🤣🤣

It is a good idea though 😊

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I may have come up with a temp solution......

I have an old Celestron Goto Mount in my garage (the one they used for the 104GT Costco Special). Very lightweight (easy to pick up), but I've just tried my 200P in it and it didn't tip over or drop off and actually seemed to move OK with the arrow keys.

I'll give that a go on the next clear night 🤞 and see how it goes, then I might just have an EQ-5 Pro Mount for sale 🤣

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35 minutes ago, ScouseSpaceCadet said:

Good luck with that, but I imagine that tiny old Nexstar mount will be begging for mercy. 😉

Probably, but it didn't sound as if it was dying 🤣 I've got a power supply for it so will see how it goes, I suppose the main test will be whether it properly goes to and tracks objects 👍

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If you are successful in that, the mount's motor(s) and plastic-gears will wear out rather quickly, I expect.  Never overload a plasticky go-to mount, nor one of metal for that matter.  As it is, the 200P on the EQ-5 is right at the limit, if not over.


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I used to have a 200p Newtonian on an EQ-5 mount and heartily disliked this combination, so I understand that you may want to dispose of it.🙂

I would not recommend putting the 200p on the lightweight Nexstar mount. No good ever comes of overloading a mount. On the contrary, the HEQ5 is reckoned to be a more suitable mount for a 200p.

You might consider getting a small scope that suits the Nexstar mount (and does not overload it) as a grab'n go or travel setup.

I kept the EQ-5 as it is an all-purpose mount that will rigidly mount any small or portable scope up to 9Kg, even though I do not use it so much.

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2 hours ago, Cosmic Geoff said:

I used to have a 200p Newtonian on an EQ-5 mount and heartily disliked this combination, so I understand that you may want to dispose of it.🙂

I would not recommend putting the 200p on the lightweight Nexstar mount. No good ever comes of overloading a mount. On the contrary, the HEQ5 is reckoned to be a more suitable mount for a 200p.

You might consider getting a small scope that suits the Nexstar mount (and does not overload it) as a grab'n go or travel setup.

I kept the EQ-5 as it is an all-purpose mount that will rigidly mount any small or portable scope up to 9Kg, even though I do not use it so much.

I'm thinking of getting one of the Celestron Starsense SCTs as a quick setup and go scope, from what I've seen they look pretty neat. 

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I have used some large heavy reflectors in the past (such as a 12" f/4 Orion Optics Newtonian) and the benefit of their aperture is often outweighed by their weight and size. I have recently started using a much smaller William Optics 81GT IV refractor, mainly for astrophotography, and as well as the optics being excellent, you also have a shorter focal length so you get a wider field view. In my case I have a separate mount (a Losmandy G11) so it easy to swap from one telescope to another. In terms of optics, it is not downgrading, but it is certainly a lot smaller and lighter scope. Incidentally, I tend to use a 1x flattener with this scope, so the focal length is around 475 mm, whereas a lot of people with this scope use a dedicated 0.8x flattener so would have an even shorter focal length. I can certainly recommend this as a great refractor.  

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Which part is the hassle?
Mount storage? Mount assembly? Mount setup/balance? Scope storage?

Having owned and used more than one EQ5 type and 8" newt, I have thoroughly enjoyed using them.
The hassles of handling and storage were easily overcome.

For my first EQ5 & 8" newt, when I had limited storage I modified a wooden bookshelf. A low cost uncoated pine thing from Argos if I remember correctly.
Bit of saw work, then some screws and glue and it was repurposed.

The tripod with mount attached were stored vertical, with a bungy cord to stop the tripod falling out.
The counterweight was on a shelf.
The OTA was upright, with the finder left attached.
Spare shelves held eyepieces and the like.

A handle added to the OTA made carrying and mounting much easier.

Carry out and setup time was minimal. Much helped by everything being left part assembled.

HTH, David.

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On 20/09/2021 at 15:28, EdG said:

My dog would likely use it as target practice 🤣🤣🤣

It is a good idea though 😊

saves a lot of  mucking about  I have my OTA in the house  in a case along with the laptop out of harms way .   i've seen magpies pecking at the cover outside and had to replace it a couple of times   I get them from Ebay £9  so £ 18 in three years .. not bad!  I was going to keep it in the bunker fully assembled but  theres a lot of huge spiders in there.. 🥵🥵  no thanks..

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Just as a quick update - I have a Celestron Starsense DX 6" SCT being delivered today which I am really looking forward to trying out (and being able to pick up) 🤣

The 200P with EQ5 Pro  is up for sale (if anyone is interested) 😃😉


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Why didn't you just get an 8" Dob in the first place?  I've been hauling mine out in one go for 20+ years.  I'm up and going in under 2 minutes.  If I need to dodge a tree or bush, I just pick up the whole thing and move it in one go again.  I've never missed tracking.

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18 minutes ago, Louis D said:

Why didn't you just get an 8" Dob in the first place?  I've been hauling mine out in one go for 20+ years.  I'm up and going in under 2 minutes.  If I need to dodge a tree or bush, I just pick up the whole thing and move it in one go again.  I've never missed tracking.

At the time I was living in very light polluted West London and that seemed like good bang for bucks, but now moved back home to the rather darker skies of South Ayrshire 😃

It is a good telescope but just too much hassle in moving it.

Still, my new scope has now arrived and I can actually pick up the box without giving myself a hernia 🤣🤣🤣

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2 hours ago, EdG said:

Still, my new scope has now arrived and I can actually pick up the box without giving myself a hernia 🤣🤣🤣

I looked at getting a used 127 Mak on a EQ3 mount.  The moment I tried to pick up the fully rigged mount to move it, I realized it was not for me.  Way too top heavy and awkward to move fully assembled.  I ended up going alt-az to avoid counterweights which greatly reduced the overall weight.

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