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Deep South To Deep North

Epick Crom

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Hi my fellow stargazers! Had an awesome observing session last night, taking in views from the South Celestial Pole all the way to Cygnus in the north. All observations carried out with my 10 inch dobsonian:


NGC 6101: A rather faint globular cluster. Took a lot of searching to find. A few faint stars twinkling with averted vision.

Delta Apodis: A beautiful double star, twin deep orange components seperated by 103"


Mel 227: The closest star cluster to the south pole. Wide and sparse.

Gillis 211: Evenly matched double star, both stars quite faint at 10th magnitude, but I'm not picky with my astronomical objects 😊

Polaris Australis ( Sigma Octantis): The South Pole star. My first time observing it, a thrill to find. Now I'm sure it's no match for Polaris at mag 5.4, but nice to tick off my "observed" list!


NGC 6910: A wonderful sight. Interesting open cluster with a line of stars at the intersection.

Alberio: Glorious double star! Vivid orange and blue colours. A showpiece object.

IC 1318: Gamma Cygni Nebula. I could make out a definite haze to the south of Sadr, unfortunately for me this region of sky culminates around 15 degrees above the horizon and there is haze/ light pollution low to my north so I'm not 100% certain. Definitely one to check out if ever I can get to a darker site than my backyard!

NGC 6974: Central Veil Nebula. Another"possible" sighting, a definite brightening in this area, but due to low altitude can't be certain..

I also saw a deep red star below and to the right of Sadr ( Newtonian southern hemisphere view!) which I cannot identify on Sky Safari. Anyone know what star it could be? It looked like a carbon star about maybe 10th mag with a blue star close to it of similar magnitude. It looked beautiful. I also saw a nice open cluster with blue stars surrounding a brighter star, also not to far from Sadr. Indentification still uncertain. I'm not too familiar with Cygnus as it's far north for me but I had a great time exploring it, some incredible star fields.  I had no luck finding M 29 among other objects, this will have to wait until next time. 

All in all a great time was had exploring our night skies. Clear skies to you all and keep looking up!



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Excellent report Joe. Some great targets there.


On 11/09/2021 at 14:27, Epick Crom said:

NGC 6974: Central Veil Nebula. Another"possible" sighting, a definite brightening in this area, but due to low altitude can't be certain..


Did you use a filter? An OIII might give you a better contrast.

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Great report Joe, it’s been driving me mad trying to identify the star you saw, had the charts out and everything!!….could it be the one in the first image? HR7759? Which is a red dwarf and a double as well. As for the cluster, the only recognized one I can see nearby on SkySafari and Interstellarum is NGC 6910…..is that a possibility?? The images below are Northern Hemisphere…..it’s a real headache trying to picture a Newtonian in the Southern Hemisphere 😂





Edited by Jiggy 67
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Thanks for your help Jiggy! I have observed the region again and found the area around the star HR 7784 was the one I thought was a open cluster as it's so rich! You were correct as the red star I saw was indeed HR 7759! Great work and thanks for going to the trouble of helping me identify the region👍. Wishing you clear skies!Screenshot_2021-09-15-08-05-55-44.thumb.png.b4ac4863b7349cc3861cb70af6d4a77b.pngScreenshot_2021-09-15-08-06-13-72.thumb.png.779c83b6ecad04d0bb41de7c07ab9d09.png

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