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Sky Watcher AZ-GTI SET UP


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Hi   I have got my AZ_GTI  set up  with Carle's du Ciel 4.2.1 and Sharp Cap 3.2 , but I think there is something probably not right or is something I have not done or done should have done.  I have set scope pointing North and level , when I tell it to  goto sun it goes West about 80 degrees off and when I go to arrows to move scope up and down is OK but left and right are reverse,  how do I use sun as a star to do 1 star alignment?



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There are 2 firmware versions. One for the scope on the left-hand, the other for the scope on the right-hand. In your picture of N and L you have the scope on the left, try it with the scope on the right but still pointing North.

Have you just updated the firmware or is this the first time you have tried the setup?


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Your mention of the left/right keys being was hint that the firmware was for the right-hand setup.  Do those keys now work as expected and it just needs us to solve why the scope is pointing down instead of up?

Is this a new AZGTi or used and do you know what firmware version is loaded, should be an option in the Synscan app to see this. And do you get asked if the mount is in AltAz or EQ mode? And I guess we'd need to know if you plan to use the EQ mode option as well.

What can also confuse matters is how you setup, the mount has a dual encoders which means if you have it switched on and you move it around manually it still remembers the positional information. So start North & level before switching on.

There are many AZGTI users here on SGL so let's hope we can get you sorted asap.




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2 hours ago, StevieDvd said:

What can also confuse matters is how you setup, the mount has a dual encoders which means if you have it switched on and you move it around manually it still remembers the positional information. So start North & level before switching on.

Also I'd suggest in the alignment tab to press clear any previous alignment and then try doing your North level alignment again. 

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+1 AZ-GTi owner here. Once your scope is set up correctly for the firmware version you have installed, one-star alignment should be pretty good for tracking the sun. For the recent eclipse I tracked for 2+ hours and only had to make two minor adjustments in that whole time. 

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Thanks all for your help,

Stevie,  keys are now OK,   it is a new AZGTi,   firmware version motor board 3.26.A5,  I set it at Alt-Az,  don't move manually when switched on do it before,  start at north and level,  app pro 1.19.12,   I have got it all running OK  I reinstalled  Synscan app  and all ran OK,  I really appreciate all your help.


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5 minutes ago, p1taylor said:

Thanks all for your help,

Stevie,  keys are now OK,   it is a new AZGTi,   firmware version motor board 3.26.A5,  I set it at Alt-Az,  don't move manually when switched on do it before,  start at north and level,  app pro 1.19.12,   I have got it all running OK  I reinstalled  Synscan app  and all ran OK,  I really appreciate all your help.


I glad you got it all sorted and back running properly 👍

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