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Exmoor StarCamp 1


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Hi all,

Going to attempt my first report, only owned and been using a telescope for two weeks! (SW Heritage 150 Dobsonian stock EP's 25mm &10mm & StarGuider 8mm. & Astro Essentials 32mm.)


So, please be kind!😁

Well, wow! What an experience!! Massive understatement! Camping with the family in the Doone Valley for two nights. Viewing obscured, as expected, particularly the horizon East and West but the night sky was incredible!

The moon made its way over as a few light objects speckled the sky here and there. One advantage with being in the valley was the moon drops suddenly and quickly and allows the dark to reveal the Milky way in all its glory.

Only really managed shortish sessions around 1.5hrs. seem to find myself changing EPs too many times which in the dark, takes some getting used to!

Friday Night

Began with a couple of double stars ALBERIO


Great views of both, nice to note the colour diffences.

The dew was setting in and also thick fog. Didn't seem to hamper vision but needed to be aware of dampness. Dob was mounted on a solid small wooden table.

Tried my new 32m EP. Totally blown away!!

Eye was completely filled with stars, breathtaking. Didn't seem to need a target at this point, happy to just slowly slew around and drinking it all in! Thanks to those that recommended that EP for these skies! Surpassed any expectations!

Felt ready to target some DSO's...

Decided to aim for a Globular Cluster.

M13 in Hercules  wasn't easy to find at first using the Lazer pointer, particularly as it had started to condensate. Perseverance prevailed! What a buzz! Smiling broadly to myself as it came I to view, even more so when I swapped the punchy, wide 32m for the 8mm EP.

Okay, these things didn't show much detail, I think I could just about make out one or two individual stars within the cluster, but training the eye, keeping focus and allowing my brain to interpret what is there has been an invaluable and profound experience! 

Ended the season with a quick view of Saturn which had now risen just above treeline. I have to say; I didn't really notice the difference between the stock 10m EP that came with the scope and the £49 StarGuider 8mm !! In fact, if I had to choose I think the stock EP had the edge!!


Fog and dew even heavier!

Found that sitting comfortably is so important! Need to sort this before the cold nights set in or, my back will suffer! Finding the right posture felt like it had added magnification and clarity!! 

Went for the double cluster in Perseus

NGC869/884 these were a joy to scan with the 32mEP picking out some brilliant details and individuality.

Then decided to go for some galaxies, not really expecting much luck, I was using Stellarium but having to use spectacles for looking at my phone, then trying to glance over them to  look at the sky and use a dodgy, steamy pointer, I didn't think I manage much!!

Supprised as I found M81 BODES 

Aain, little detail but a huge sense of achievement! Gazed for a while, swapping between 10mm & 8mm EP. Again, not much different bit what a show!

This was feeling was met again with M51 WHIRLPOOL

Smiling to myself now seeing my second galaxy ever! And allowing my mind to bathe in the bewildering but fascinating and enchanting craziness of it all!

At this point, I could see Cygnus behind me and thought, ANDROMEDA !

Okay, again these things are just smudges really but it's still ANDROMEDA! Very large, I thought in comparison to the other two? Mind perhaps playing tricks as I thought I could see the odd pathways.

Totally hooked on my new hobby, something I've always been awestruck since as far as I can remember, quite profound really and terribly exciting!!

Camping for a week on Exmoor next week! Hoping for a few clear nights.

Thanks for reading, apologies in advance for my lack of terminology and any mistakes. To that end, I'm happy for any feedback ,tips and advice.







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Great report!!…Not a lot to say really, you did everything right, just more….and more…..of the same. You did really well to find what you did, just enjoy it as you go deeper down the rabbit hole 🤣

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Yep - great report. Being comfortable at the eyepiece is worth an extra inch of aperture, they say. Don't know who 'they' are, but it's true!

I think you will notice the improvement with the BST with increased experience, as the improvements can be subtle. One benefit is quality control, though. You might just be lucky and have a really good example of the stock 10mm EP.

M51 on your first night is impressive, BTW! <FIST-BUMP>

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12 hours ago, Pixies said:

Yep - great report. Being comfortable at the eyepiece is worth an extra inch of aperture, they say. Don't know who 'they' are, but it's true!

I think you will notice the improvement with the BST with increased experience, as the improvements can be subtle. One benefit is quality control, though. You might just be lucky and have a really good example of the stock 10mm EP.

M51 on your first night is impressive, BTW! <FIST-BUMP>

Thanks Pixies!

Still buzzing over it all.

Just wondering, want does BST stand for? I know you meant the 8mm StarGuider EP but don't know what that acronym means.


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Nice report, your enthusiasm and excitement shine through well. Not so long ago I did my "first" and I haven't forgotten the buzz it gives you. The thing is, although there are plenty of folk on here who've "been there, done that", they are always positive and helpful and never look down on the less experienced of us. We'll done again!

I don't know what BST stands for either but "BST Starguider" is the UK branding and they usually just get called BST for short.

Edited by wulfrun
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2 hours ago, wookie1965 said:

I have never seen M51 through any of my scopes in the 10 years I have been doing this hobby so well done you. I have seen it through a friends 22" scope Damián's (Mapstar) that was breath-taking. 

Thanks Woolie!

It was the second night of trying and plenty more perseverance. I suspect the dark skies of Exmoor really helped too!

Really enjoy reading you reports too, I find them inspiring!

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2 minutes ago, Xgaze said:

Thanks Woolie!

It was the second night of trying and plenty more perseverance. I suspect the dark skies of Exmoor really helped too!

Really enjoy reading you reports too, I find them inspiring!

Apologies *Wookie!

Damn autocorrect! 😁

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6 hours ago, Xgaze said:

Thanks Pixies!

Still buzzing over it all.

Just wondering, want does BST stand for? I know you meant the 8mm StarGuider EP but don't know what that acronym means.


BST is short for Barsta which is the name of the eyepiece manufacturer in China.

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