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Sting In The Tail

Epick Crom

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Hi my fellow stargazers! Last night's observations centred around Scorpius and the stinger region around Shaula and Lesath. Wonderful region to scan around with the telescope. All observations carried out with my 10 inch dob.

CR 338: Large and scattered open cluster situated close to Shaula ( Lambda Scorpii). Some fine configurations near the centre of this cluster.

NGC 6441: A fine and compressed globular cluster right besides the star HR 6630, which is a double star. I loved the view at 100x, lingered here for quite some time admiring the beautiful scene.

NGC 6388: Another Scorpius globular, bright and almost completely resolved. Another beautiful sight!

NGC 6334: The Cats Paw Nebula. First time observing this subtle nebula. Skies were quite dark and clear from a passing cold front, this certainly aided me in locating this nebula as I could never find it previously. Faint glow, I could barely make out the cats paw shape. An example of a DSO that really does look like its name.

Clouds were starting to roll over intermittently so I turned my attention to neighbouring Sagittarius. Had time to point my scope at Alnasl ( Gamma Sagittari) and view what is fast becoming one of my favourite regions in the night sky, the two globular clusters NGC 6528 and NGC 6523 which are situated right by Baade's Window. Baade's Window is a clear area of the milky way which allows you to peer through deeper into our galaxies centre. Guys the view here is glorious, these two globulars appear surrounded by countless tiny pinpoints of light. The background literally glows from the countless millions of stars! The view on a good dark and clear night takes my breath away, especially when this region is at a good elevation above the horizon like last night. It really is a humbling and spiritual experience. I must have gawked at this region for at least 30min until clouds spooled the show. 

It was a fun session running approx 1hr due to clouds. Clear skies to all!




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Thanks. A great report as always.

Jealous as ever - but worse than hearing about fantastic targets that we can never see here, are those that are just at the horizon for me! I need a really, REALLY, tall hill.


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Another excellent report Joe. I have forgotten what the night sky looks with the amount of clouds we have had, I am doubling on sun viewing/reports when we get a break during the day. You are really tantalising us with your targets. My first thought was I have to have a look at NGC 6334 but it is just at my S horizon but not high enough. Baade's Window sounds mesmerising. Your description brings them to life. I am glad the weather is playing ball for you. Clear skies!

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