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Great Red Spot through cloud


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So exciting to be imaging the largest planet in the solar system! Unfortunately, my last session was cut short by cloud but surprisingly still revealed pleasing results.

It is amazing that amateur equipment can resolve details around the Great Red Spot and the disc of Jupiter’s moon Ganymede – through thin cloud and against a blue sky!

Fingers crossed for more observations later this year.

Geekery section: 2 minute video files of ~10k frames recorded with C11 f20  ASI224MC and ADC, stack of best 1,000, best 3 grainy images derotated in winjuops.

I also made a short video describing the process - albeit at ~0300 in the morning! 


j2021-06-16-02-24-Radice copy.png

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Interesting. I was looking at Jupiter on the same morning with my daughter between 2 & 4am and it’s close to what we saw visually. The GRS was a bit more subtle but the banding surprisingly sharp. A few clouds earlier but totally clear between 3 & 4am. At the start Ganymede was right up against the edge of Jupiter. 

And the video is very helpful - thanks!

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Cheers, chaps.  I am so glad you enjoyed it.  I love exploring the planets and thoroughly enjoyed Mars last year (until I broke my foot!)  and am so excited to be exploring Jupiter as it slowly climbs back into the northern skies. 

I realised that, after lots of deep sky observing and nearly completing the Herschel 400, I rather enjoy the dynamic worlds of our solar system. 

10 hours ago, PeterStudz said:

Interesting. I was looking at Jupiter on the same morning with my daughter between 2 & 4am

Really pleased you both got a great view.  It is rather wonderful isn't it?


3 hours ago, neil phillips said:

A hot drink with some early morning imaging is a ritual i understand

I quite agree! It is the fuel that lubricates the operator into a fully effective system.  I have been enjoying your early pictures too, Neil.  By the way do you send your images to the BAA? I shall look out for your notes. 


3 hours ago, orion25 said:

I look forward to seeing more.

Can't wait - although as I type this it is pouring with rain so I am now catching up with my sleep!

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Hi again Mark i have sent some images to the BAA in the past. One storm spot i captured on Neptune. And some banding on Uranus. That they put up on that section for the outer planets. Back around 2016. Just before i stopped imaging. 

But nothing since then. Maybe i will send something in the near future perhaps 

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On 19/06/2021 at 11:49, PeterStudz said:

As if it’s been painted there but dynamic, almost alive.

Wonderful description, I like that.  You are absolutely correct.  When I look at Orion Nebula or Andromeda Galaxy it remains unchanged, yet Jupiter changes every hour !


14 hours ago, Pete Presland said:

A fine looking image, plenty of interesting detail particularly around the GRS region.

Thanks, Pete.  Fingers crossed for some more clear skies soon. 

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