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Jupiter and Saturn from North Cornwall 27-5-21

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My bleary eyed offerings of Jupiter and Saturn from early this morning in N.Cornwall Skymax 127 az gti zwo asi120mc-s stacked and tweaked, pleased to get some of Jupiters moons in one if look close enough, will practice more on processing over the weekend to make the moons more visable, but from last years efforts to these so so much better, the AzGti making it so much better. Still 2 months from opposition so hoping to get better images then and one day I'll get to image the GRS, typical it's on view tonight and I'm clouded out here 🙄.... Edit I've reprocessed the Jupiter and moons image and so much better now also with labels 






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Thanks Rich. My gain was around 48ish I believe, exposure I can't remember exactly as I've deleted said settings files. I'll upload a video from sharpcap to show my histogram from the next nights imaging. I had read somewhere  you need to get the histogram as a whale looking shape, I found that the histogram around 60 works for me is good enough so adjust your exposure to suit. If I make the histogram any higher the image overexposes to much. I generally use 640 x480 when not using a Barlow and 1280x960 when using the Barlow and high exposure shots to get the moons in as the planets slowly moves across the screen with the increases magnification and take 3000-5000 frames. All in raw8 and.ser files 


Edited by AstroNebulee
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Thank you, I've still to process these captures frtom the above histogram, they'll hopefully be better as got the GRS in thrm and be even better when Jupiter and Saturn higher earlier by the end of the month. Then opposition in August đź‘Ť

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On 05/06/2021 at 16:05, AstroNebulee said:

Thanks Rich. My gain was around 48ish I believe, exposure I can't remember exactly as I've deleted said settings files. I'll upload a video from sharpcap to show my histogram from the next nights imaging. I had read somewhere  you need to get the histogram as a whale looking shape, I found that the histogram around 60 works for me is good enough so adjust your exposure to suit. If I make the histogram any higher the image overexposes to much. I generally use 640 x480 when not using a Barlow and 1280x960 when using the Barlow and high exposure shots to get the moons in as the planets slowly moves across the screen with the increases magnification and take 3000-5000 frames. All in raw8 and.ser files 

Thanks for that and sharing the video. I overexposed my data in the last attempt so at least now i have a base to work from. Thanks again

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