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just sawES-2ROBV_TentwScope_2020_1_1800x1800.png?v=1611595033Just  saw an ad for  this  in the June  Sky and Telescope. Anyone have  one? Thoughts?  Looks like the perfect solution for  annoying  lights  from neighbors. Not to mention wind.

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11 hours ago, Pixies said:

And midges!


I seriously doubt that it will stop midge attacks. In fact, it might create a nice calm atmosphere for them to amass, muster and rally ranks for the feast! 🍽 😋   In my unfortunate experience it is the deepest folly to think that anything will outwit the determined midge. 😱😣

That said I’ve toyed with the idea of getting one of these pop-ups myself and I look forward to hearing how you get on with it, John (@laudropb).


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This one from explore? https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/759787-first-light-with-the-explore-scientific-observatory-tent/


not cheap, but looks like it could deal with the local carpark lights almost as well as an angle grinder. Waiting for a few more reviews, but I could well end up getting one. Seems like you need to stake it well or it could fly off, so maybe best for garden use (was at a starparty once and the weather shredded a cheap tent!)


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10 hours ago, PeterW said:

This one from explore? https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/759787-first-light-with-the-explore-scientific-observatory-tent/


not cheap, but looks like it could deal with the local carpark lights almost as well as an angle grinder. Waiting for a few more reviews, but I could well end up getting one. Seems like you need to stake it well or it could fly off, so maybe best for garden use (was at a starparty once and the weather shredded a cheap tent!)


Yes Peter. That’s the one. Video is a bit of a joke. Typical American hype. I got it to try out sites around my garden for a future permanent Obsy and for taking on holiday breaks to darker sites. I have not got round to setting it up yet not helped by the fact that it has been wet and windy here for the whole Month of May.  Hopefully I will get a chance to try it out soon and will post a review.



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Looking forward to it.. I live in a flatblock with upstairs lights and several carpark streetlights that shine in…. Don’t need  to torch to read charts… if this gives me a dark enclave then I might feel like observing more often. Bit more ££ than I’d expect, but could be the best value bit of kit of it delivers.


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On 12/05/2021 at 10:01, Floater said:

I seriously doubt that it will stop midge attacks. In fact, it might create a nice calm atmosphere for them to amass, muster and rally ranks for the feast! 🍽 😋   In my unfortunate experience it is the deepest folly to think that anything will outwit the determined midge. 😱😣

That said I’ve toyed with the idea of getting one of these pop-ups myself and I look forward to hearing how you get on with it, John (@laudropb).


You are further north than both  I and @Pixies are.

Personally, I generally only am fodder for the blood sucking 10” bloodsucking monster around the center of the Argyll peninsula - those suckers around Dunoon are worse than mean :)

I’ve seen reference to possibility of pop ups - but don;t remember seeing ads.

Will look further

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