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Focuser on skywatcher heritage 150p

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  • 3 weeks later...

I found the PTFE tape didn't work very well for me, so looked into greasing it - got a tub of this:


Lightly daubed the threads and built up the amount over a few applications (be cautious you don't overdo it and run the risk of globs collecting at the base of the thread, from where they could drip onto the mirror) until I was happy, and now it works brilliantly. 

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My first go  at using PFTE tape on the heritage 150 did not  work well, shreds started to detach , not good .

I tried again, used fewer winds of tape , and made sure they were pulled very tight as I wound them on, and smoothed the tape into the thread with my hand before replacing the focus tube in the 'scope. That second attempt has now lasted me 10 months , with no problem.

It's never going to be a wonderful focuser,  but it works, and as one of the cost cutting ploys which let us buy a 150mm aperture 'scope for such  a bargain price, I'm happy to put up with it.

I've a vague idea I saw mention somewhere of some Baader adaptor which has an inbuilt micro focus ability , but I cannot recall where, and Baader have a dizzying list of such things.  No idea if it would help, or even if I just imagined it !



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35 minutes ago, Tiny Clanger said:

I've a vague idea I saw mention somewhere of some Baader adaptor which has an inbuilt micro focus ability , but I cannot recall where

It might have been this one, Heather:


or this:


(which has a link to a further one ... it's probably one big loop ...)

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4 hours ago, Zermelo said:

Thanks Zermelo, You are probably right,, that is very likely what I was recalling https://www.firstlightoptics.com/adapters/baader-t-thread-to-125-helical-focuser.html

I'm not thinking of getting one myself, as I find the heritage 150's native plumbing fitting has a certain rustic charm 🙂  and gives me no trouble or annoyance.

Anyone thinking of trying this might find that further ironmongery would be needed for focus tube to T thread , and I bet the whole thing could shift eyepieces too far out, and require the 'scope not be properly, fully extended (which is the case when a DSLR is used on it )


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44 minutes ago, Tiny Clanger said:

Anyone thinking of trying this might find that further ironmongery would be needed for focus tube to T thread , and I bet the whole thing could shift eyepieces too far out

Indeed it did with my 150. I had to remove the Skywatcher focuser ring and use a step-down adapter as described:


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