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Three Shires Head

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Another glorious night saw me at Three Shires Head. This is the meeting point of three Counties. In the image everything to the left of the river is Cheshire, everything to the right is Derbyshire and I'm stood on a rock that is just in Staffordshire because just out of shot to the right is another small river and waterfall. There were two problems I had 1. the rock was just big enough to spread the tripod legs and little more so things were a tad precarious and 2. Being in the middle of a waterfall does tend to coat the lens in water droplets ( Who would have guessed ? )

Nikon Z6, Nikkor 20mm lens, 10x 15seconds at f2.8 and ISO 800 for the sky and 5x 15 seconds at f2.8 and 4.5 all at ISO 8oo again for the foreground. Oh yes, and the most vital bit of gear, the £ 1.99 torch from B & M ( For those that don't know, B & M is a thrift store )

I took the sky images into Sequator as usual and then added in the ground via layers in Photoshop blend mode lighten. Then it was a case of playing around with the light levels until they all more or less matched.

I gave up trying to put the lens cap on after each sequence of images as it was too risky and a woolly hat sufficed.

All good fun and I hope you enjoy the view,


Upper waterfall TSH.jpg

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1 hour ago, happy-kat said:

You're very good at these 🙂

To complement the running water did you do a star trails one too?

That's very kind of you Kat, thanks.

Unfortunately I didn't do any trails. I've been to this location before and I know I can't carry much weight up hill anymore so unfortunately I didn't take a second camera and tripod. I took a few 5 minute exposures from the other side of the bridge but not enough.


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12 hours ago, FenlandPaul said:

That’s beautifully composed and executed Dave - really like it. ☺️

Thanks Paul. It turned out the worst spot was the best spot ! I wasn't about to fall into a ravine but I would have got very wet on my shortcut to Cheshire !


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1 hour ago, clarkpm4242 said:

Thanks Dave.

I've been 'focusing' on deep sky imaging!  May be out doing a starscape tonight though :)  cheers

Just stunning ! So that's where you've been 😎 

Looking forward to another starscape from you. No pressure !


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