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EQMOD - why?


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Sorry Peter, 

I should have said I know WHAT it is, but WHY do most people think it essential when there as ASCOM drivers for the Skywatcher GOTO mounts, and you need specific ASCOM drivers for EQMOD.

What benefits does it offer?


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7 minutes ago, iapa said:

Sorry Peter, 

I should have said I know WHAT it is, but WHY do most people think it essential when there as ASCOM drivers for the Skywatcher GOTO mounts, and you need specific ASCOM drivers for EQMOD.

What benefits does it offer?


Taken from the EQMOD website EQMOD (sourceforge.net)

So why use EQMOD project software?

User interface
gamepad support for mount control and focuser control - button functions totally configurable.
remote mouse and keypad/numpad support
English, French, Spanish, Dutch, Italian & Romanian language support.

Initial Setup
Time/timezone/daylight savings etc taken From PC, corrected by GPS
Up to 10 preset Observing sites can be defined.
Supports a wide range of GPS for automatic location and time sync correction.
Quick and reliable Polar Scope positioning routine 

No restriction on alignment star selection. You can align on ANY star or point in the sky, you can choose a 15th magnitude star if you want.
N-point models 
Pointing models can be automatically saved and restored for those with permanent mounts
Pointing model can be refined by via sync to add new points.

Goto accuracy improved by pointing model and iterative gotos.
Limit protection for user defined Horizon
Limit protection past meridian
"Counterwights up"  (pre-flip) gotos possible

User definable slew rates on RA and DEC any where from 1-800 times sidereal
User definable preset rates (10 max).
Spiral search
Mosaic capablility.

Object Database
Only restricted by the ASCOM client you're using.
User definable tours.
Tour objects can be filtered by declination so that only those above a horizon limit are shown.
No restriction on the number of user objects.

Park Scope
Automatic Park on Horizon limits or RA limits
Park timer
Unpark to predefined position.

PEC Training
Variable speed PEC rather than fixed speed.
Ability to load and save multiple PEC traces
Visual display of worm phase and current periodic error even when PEC not engaged.
Automated PE capture.
PE can be captured and PEC applied whilst guiding/imaging

PEC, if enabled, is integral part of Sidereal rate not a separate rate.
Custom RA and DEC rates supported - ephemeris import for comet and minor planet tracking
Limit protection for user defined Horizon and RA limits

Satelite tracking
Automatic pier flip on RA limit (optional)

Pulseguide support
Visualisation of guiding corrections/performance.
Close integration with PEC.

EQASCOM can do much more than just goto.

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In a nutshell its an alternative to using the handset to control the mount via a computer.  It offers an interface between the planetarium application, guiding software, and firmware in the mounts motor controller.  It's both simple enough to run with the same simplicity set up of the handset, or be as customisable as you want.

Modern SW telescopes with USB do have SW "ascom" drivers, but these are really just the chipset driver for the USB/Serial convertor built into the newer versions of motor control boards, effectively performing the same function of an EQDIRECT cable used between the PC and older mounts that don't have USB ports.  These are really just Prolific PH2303 chipset drivers, which strangely Microsoft dropped support for back in 2012, which is why so many people have problems trying to connect the new mounts under windows 10. 

EQMOD is not required for use with a SW telescope.  But if you are looking at computer control of the mount its has been the application of choice for may people over the years as nothing else existed.   There is one other application that I'm aware of and that is GSS, which can be used in the same way.



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It's not essential, I don't use it. 

But you have to be standing next to your mount if you are using the handset.  EQMod enables the mount to be controlled remotely and also you can do plate solving.

As so many people like it and use it they obviously think it is worth using.

I just prefer to keep things simple and although I have and can use EQMod I found it easier to use the handset.


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I find it invaluable, and in fact, I don't think I could now image without it. Things I use are:

- I have 2 park positions configured, one to put the scope away and one to point at my flat panel 
- Every night at the end of my session, EQMod's timer parks the scope for me
- CDC and EQMod let you do everything you need in terms of finding targets
- I can nudge the scope around while looking at an image on my PC (which is all remote from the observatory), variable slew rates in EQMod also help
- I have actually hooked up a game controller and that is a bit of fun and quite useful
- Limits can be set to prevent the mount smashing into things it shouldn't
- I can force meridian flips early in EQMod when a target is just the wrong side of the meridian

I suppose it is in our nature to push the set up that we use but I have tried a few and settled on EQMod and CDC as a really good pair

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