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Nexus DSC unit in Combo with Rowan AZ100 mount.

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Afternoon all.  Just wanted to share an unplanned session last night as yet again the weather forecast was rather incorrect.  Recently had the mount returned to me after encoders being fitted and a Nexus unit purchased. 

Out about 7.30 pm.  Mount on UNI 28 tripod.  Scopes in use - Stellarvue 102 and ST80.  Really curious as to how well the Nexus would perform compared with a rather frustrating few years with SW synscan handsets and WiFi units. 

Aligned the mount via the Nexus routine, 2 star.  Used Aldebaran and Betelgeuse.  Not too far apart in the sky but ATM my viewing location is rather limited to the south and southwest.  User manual asks to use a wide spread between alignment stars.  Bigger the better.   Used a 12mm illuminated EP to centre.  All very routine and alignment successful at the first try.   First target M42.  Using 11mm ES 82  EP - 64x mag   Followed the units directions and BAM !!  On target.  Slightly off centre but happily in the FOV.  Looking good me thinks.  Ok.  Quick jump to Mintaka.  Same result. Lets try M34.  Bingo.  

Decided to link the Nexus to Skysafari via my I Pad.  Connected at first attempt.  I had set up this the day before TBH with this first session in mind.  Aligned SS to the unit.  Then spent the next hour " bobbing about" where I fancied.  Picked a target in SS, hit goto. New co ordinates appear on the Nexus screen as if by magic.  Picked the usual suspects for this time of year.  M 36  M 37 M 38 - M 103 - Pleiades - Double cluster - Castor - M 41 - Beehive.  A few more that escape me right now. Was a complete breeze.  

Switching between both scopes during target switch.  Targets in the FOV of both scopes -  ST80 using a SVbony Zoom EP at 20 mm to give me a wider field.  Not quite in the centre but I'm being picky.  Was happy enough. Think I had given a little bit of wiggle room to the equipment. 

Overall,  I'm blown away as to how straightforward and faff free it all went. No issues as with SW Synscan equipment as to which stars it wants to use.  The Nexus complied with my ideas which was nice.  The other biggest advantage was that I wasn't having to mess about with power - as in extension cable from the shed. No tripping over the cable etc etc.  Now I don't know how long the Nexus will run after a full charge.  I will find out in due course I'm sure.  Not been so enthusiatic and happy after a new " kit " session since last getting a new OTA.  

Trust now this will be the way for me going forward.  Famous last words.  Anyhow -  

If you have got this far.  thanks for taking the trouble to stick with me.     John 

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Glad you are enjoying it John. It’s a fantastic system, easy to use and there when you need it if you just want to go manual for a while. I had the pleasure of testing it out when I was giving feedback to Rowan on their prototype AZ100 and really enjoyed it.

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My DSC battery seems to go for ages. I had a USB power tank handy but not needed yet. Can check state in Info/battery as well as little indicator. Maybe WiFi uses more?

My experience similar enjoyment and I have been spoilt with Vixen Ten 😀. In the same way adding additional sync points after initial align is so easy.

Edited by Stephenstargazer
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The Nexus experience mirrors my own, but in my case on a 10" dobson, its a painless way of observing.
I intend during 2021 to add a Rown AZ100 as well and make all my observing Nexus linked.
What a simple but not star hop was for folks to work.

I bought my dobson kit direct from Serge in Australia, he made the dobson kit for my OOUK scope as a one off, he was so helpful, 
nice guy and great kit. If only everything worked this easily and well.


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i have the nexus on my 20" dob. had serges systems now for around 5 years. helped him out with a few things

the system and serge are absolutely 1st class . love it

had argo navis first. whata a pita that was compared

Edited by faulksy
speelling ha ha
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