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Virgo is appearing in the evening sky (it's there now - but later in the night).

Lot's of galaxies in that region (plus Leo), and best viewed during spring before summer comes - when there's a distinct lack of dark skies in which to properly observe them.

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9 minutes ago, Pixies said:

Virgo is appearing in the evening sky (it's there now - but later in the night).

Lot's of galaxies in that region (plus Leo), and best viewed during spring before summer comes - when there's a distinct lack of dark skies in which to properly observe them.


9 minutes ago, dannybgoode said:

Simply a lot of galaxies come into view for imaging at this time of year :)

Thanks for the replies ..... can you tell me which galaxies (names or catalogue numbers) to look out for may be starting with the easiest to image.

Thanks Paul


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5 minutes ago, shropshire lad said:


Thanks for the replies ..... can you tell me which galaxies (names or catalogue numbers) to look out for may be starting with the easiest to image.

Thanks Paul


I'm no imager, I'm afraid. Markarian's chain is the big draw, I guess.
Includes: M84 (NGC 4374), M86 (NGC 4406), NGC 4477, NGC 4473, NGC 4461, NGC 4458, NGC 4438 and NGC 4435.

Spring cornucopia

Image taken from https://skyandtelescope.org/observing/yanking-markarians-chain/

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I am very much a beginner at AP but I would say M81 M82 depending on your kit. M81 Bodes is a face on and M82 cigar is an edge on, so is a text book picture of galaxy types as viewed. With the right gear you can see M82 has large hydrogen structure at it's core. Both are also very bright 'for galaxies' so give them a go as two galaxies in one picture. As a beginner framing both in the one shot seemed a challenge but with a little effort is well worth it. I have attached a pic from my first try so you have a reference.

They are circumpolar so no seasons to ad hear too. It just so happens that at this time of year certain constellations with concentrations of galaxies are well placed. Leo triplet would be the one that springs to mind as it clearly shows galaxies in different orientations. The second attached pic is for you to use as reference, again my first effort from the back garden.

Good luck and happy galaxy hunting and don't forget what you are trying to do is incredibly difficult, despite how easy some of the members on this forum make it look, so be patient. I had a lot of help from a far, advice and encouragement which I will never forget. 


M81 M82 JPEG.jpg

Second process atttempt (2).JPEG

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Hi Paul. Forgive me if you are ahead of me in the equipment stakes, if so then some of the following will be irrelevant. 

Absolutely 100% right #pixies, how could I forget Markarians chain. Although the main point of M81/M82 is that it is not seasonal (other than the weather)

I have imaged MC once and this is the result. I have added these pictures to show what can be imaged, with below what is considered entry kit for AP. My DSLR is not modded, my mount is not guided and I am using an NEQ5 not HEQ5. I am limited to 60 sec exposures. I hope that is a help to anyone newer to AP than myself.


1st Process attempt at Markarians Chain.png

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